Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A bit here and there

Some insights I gained lately:

1. How kids get along actually reflects how I deal with them. I usually don't like summer for a reason . . . My children always were bickering over every little thing and needed me to referee every discussions/agreements. Sometimes, I just get tired of it, I just say, "Go away and solve it yourselves".

Insight: I realized that kids keep on bickering because of my bad attitude. Children aren't born automatically knowing how resolve things. I caught myself at it one time and said, "Suzy, you bring Ian here and we will discuss it calmly." After having two kids in room, I asked them, "What is our problem here? We only have one water gun. It won't be fair to other if you keep water gun all of the time." We then discussed the options: 1. Buy other one (which is not possible), 2. take turns with it, 3. put it away for another time ... My children are astonishingly reasonable and offered me some other options which they could agree. You know what? I didn't even hear their complaints for two hours in row! What a nice peaceful hours I had! It was really when it hits me- I need inspiration from God to help my children many times. I believe that I just am harried and busy that I don't listen to the spirit like I should. I need HELP with my children and I NEED to be a bit more positive in disciplining my children.

2. I learned that it is a daily task to remind myself that patience should be in my vocabulary. I always run short of it when I think about my dreams. I think that selfishness usually takes patience away. I should become a bit more selfless and loving. When I do that, it becomes easier to be patient too.

3. There are so many lovely things that I failed to appreciate like shining kitchen floor after cleaning, a delicious ice cream out of Coldstone Creamery, a fun date with my Clint and all. I always am so quick to move onto other things and forget.

I had a perfectly lovely weekend with Clint. I loved being able to try new things like four stars hotel suite, ride on ski lift, hike down a mountain in Park City, and all. Clint and I went out to four star restaurant at night and it was dreadfully expensive! But I told Clint that the dishes we had really are well worth it. The taste is amazing! Clint had filet miginon and I could not believe that a such thing could exist! As a hippie will say, "FAR OUT!"

We had a breakfast in suite. I brought in different fun food to eat and Clint cooked them for me. After that, I am glad we got together. I never got away from my children that long. I am too fond of them that I never wanted to spend my time away from them. We then rode on ski lift for twenty minutes to the end and hiked back for 1 and half hour. It is fun. Clint and I came home being happily dusty, sweaty and dirty. It really is so fun getaway. We liked it the best of all that we celebrated for our anniversaries.

We are back to our routine. Park, library, and gymnastics. I am glad that we managed to have some time in between- for dentist visits, vet for Shadow, and others. I will have to call the doctor office about getting Tetanus shot. I DEFINITELY am not looking forward to that. It always smarts so badly after having one.

I am glad I had time last Sunday to write a long good letter to my grandparents and uncle. They are so old that they don't totally understand what emails and thus can do for them. Ha. I haven't written them ANYTHING and I felt awfully guilty about that!

OH well, my household chores are riding on me now. I have to go now. Hugs to all.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I have noticed some of the same things. When I am busy and really want to get something done and my kids need me, if I shove them off to leave me alone while I finish, some one always comes running back crying. But, when I take the time to understand their needs and even let them help me with my task (even though that can be a hard thing at times because of having to redo it or something) life goes much more smoothly.