Sunday, December 14, 2008


I still am learning but I am doing something very exciting- an official collection of slideshow to share with you guys!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Ultrasound Appointment

It is amazing to realize how quickly the time goes by. I am almost twenty weeks along and just have been in for ultrasound appointment. I just was told that it will be just two appointments in two months then after that, it will be biweekly. I never knew that it will go down to this very rapidly. I am not very fond of going to doctor appointments and enduring the poking. I wish I could keep it to minimum!
Ultrasound appointment was so nice! They had up to date machine so they were able to identify a lot of things that they didn't have the ability to in four years. I am thrilled to see my baby's kidneys, four chambered hearts and all. They did tell me that veins to kidneys were enlarged so they will check on that soon to make sure they would go away. I hope so! I don't know what sort of complications that can come from that!
Well, I am sure you are perched on anxiously to find out what I am going to have- a boy or a girl? Here's the hint- my girls are celebrating while Ian is sulking. Isn't that so easy to guess now? Ha ha.
Ian said something to ultrasound specialist which I found to be particularly amusing . . . He asked if the baby had ability in disconnecting itself. I thought it to be very funny because it DOES look like that way on the machine. With the echoing, machine was able to pick up only so much. Ha ha ha. There's stomach, there's lips, there's nose, profile, and thus. You know how that goes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Three Levels of Christmas

I loved this article and wanted to share it with my dear friends.

The Three Levels of Christmas
As Quoted By Daryl Hoole

Years ago a friend enclosed an unsigned editorial with her Christmas card. We found it to be insightful and inspirational, so much so, in fact, that I it comes to mind along with Christmas every year. This year I am sharing it with you, my Meridian readers, with the desire that you, too, will appreciate its message.

Editors' Note: Since we published this piece we heard from one of our loyal readers who identified the source of The Three Levels of Christmas: The article was written as a Church News editorial by William B. Smart, and appears in his book, Messages for a Happier Life (Deseret Book, 1989), pp. 33-34.

According to the author of this editorial, there are three levels on which we can celebrate Christmas. He writes, “Let's call the first of these levels The Santa Claus Level. It's the level of Christmas trees and holly, of whispered secrets and colorful packages, of candlelight and rich food and warm open houses. It's carolers in the shopping malls, excited children and weary but loving parents. It's a lovely time of special warmth and caring and giving. It's the level at which we eat too much and spend too much and do too much—and enjoy every minute of it. We love the Santa Claus level of Christmas.

“But there's a higher, more beautiful level. Let's call the second level The Silent Night Level. It's the level of our glorious Christmas carols, of that beloved, familiar story, ‘Now in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus. . .' It's the level of the crowded inn and the silent, holy moment in a dark stable when the Son of Man came to earth. It's shepherds on steep, bare hills near Bethlehem , angels with their glad tidings, a new star in the East, wise men traveling far in search of the Holy One. How beautiful and meaningful it is; how infinitely poorer we would be without this sacred second level of Christmas.

“The trouble is, these two levels don't last. They can't.

“Twelve days of Christmas, at the first level, is about all we can stand. It's too intense, too extravagant. The tree dries out and the needles fall. The candles burn down. The beautiful wrappings go out with the trash, the carolers are skating on the ice, and the toys break. The feast is over and the dieting begins. But the lonely and the hungry are with us still, perhaps lonelier and hungrier than before.

“Lovely and joyous as the first level of Christmas is, there will come a day, very soon, when Mother will put away the decorations and vacuum the living room and think, ‘Thank goodness that's over for another year.'

“Even the second level, the level of the Baby Jesus, can't last. How many times this season can you sing ‘Silent Night?' The angels and the star and the shepherds, even the silent, sacred mystery of that holy night itself, can't long satisfy humanity's basic need. The man who keeps Christ in the manger will, in the end, be disappointed and empty.

“No, for Christmas to last all year long, for it to grow in beauty and meaning and purpose, for it to have the power to change lives, we must celebrate it on the third level, that of The Adult Christ . It is at this level—not as an infant—that our Savior brings His gifts of lasting joy, lasting peace, lasting hope. It was the adult Christ who reached out and touched the untouchable, who loved the unlovable, who so loved us all that even in His agony on the cross He prayed forgiveness for His enemies.

“This is the Christ, creator of worlds without number, who wept, Enoch tells us, because so many of us lack affection and hate each other—and then who willingly gave His life for ALL of us, including those for whom He wept.

“He is the Christ of whom the prophets had foretold for centuries would come. Even before the world was created we learned of the key role the Savior would perform in the Plan of Salvation. He accepted the Father's Plan of Redemption and submitted himself to the will of the Father. We read in Moses 4:2:

Behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father; thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.

“We also read in the scriptures from Isaiah 7:14:

Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

“In 2 Nephi 17:14 it is repeated.

In Isaiah 9:6 we read:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

“We read in 1 Corinthians 15:22:

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. How great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah.

“Yes, He was and is wonderful, the Great Counsellor, the mighty God, willing to sacrifice His life that we might live if we are but willing to accept Him as our Savior. He is the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

“This is the Christ, the adult Christ, who gave us the perfect example, and asked us to follow Him.

“It was this Jesus Christ whose birth we are celebrating that asked us:

If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (John 13:14)

“Accepting that invitation—to keep His commandments and to love one another—is the way— THE ONLY WAY —to celebrate Christmas all year and all life long.”

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Shopping

Believe it or not, I managed to go to FIVE stores in two hours period! There was a huge sale at American Fork's Old Navy. They wanted to get rid of clothes on clearance so they are giving 75 percent off the original price. I got pregnant outfits for just 3 to 4 dollars each.

I exchanged Annalise's pair of shoes. She hated the original one so much so I just took her back and pick different pair. The original ones had some sort of pucker in side of heel part. It really is abrasive and annoying. At Target's I grabbed two set of waterproof twin mattress pad off before the others get it. I just have one left to go. It is very hard to get that version in a family oriented town like mine. I liked that type because it lasts longer and is more pleasant to lay on. I also picked up some of gifts for our assigned family on Clint's side. I then went to Recreational Outlet to pick a Christmas gift (very good item to have) for my side. I then got Clint to come with me to eat lunch at Olive Garden. After all of those adventures, we went back home to have Timmy to take a nap. That kid is worn out and cranky!

Clint has been putting up dry walls lately. He still is working on first room. But it is almost done. Next day, he can get started on new room! Clint said that he is learning by trial and error like everyone else. Ian is a such good helper! He holds something for his daddy, gets something for his daddy, and cleans something up for his daddy. Just imagine what that kid can do when he grows up!

I got my first Christmas cards. This time, people beat me to it. Ha ha. I will have to get started on my usual Christmas newsletter and I need to be creative still. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't trump the previous one. But I felt obligated to!

I have been working on new blog. It is called tried and true recipes blog. However, somebody else already have taken that website address so I used . . . I already put four recipes down. I also made my sister, Susan, an administrator of this blog so that she can add several of her delicious recipes.

Yesterday, two of people I know spent their time in hospital. Both had significantly different experiences! One had relatively good experience and is able to find the entire procedure endurable while another one had a misery filled experience. This one I mentioned is my sister . . She went in for colonscopy and "Look-In-Your-Stomach"procedure. I have no idea what it is called. Well, she got a nurse that botched inserting IV needle into her arm so bad that she wiggled around. Gabe passed out! They had to put him into "feet up" position to get him out of it. Nurse apologized and said that it is bad morning for her. Well, my sister found out on later that a husband and a wife had that nurse and the similar incident occurred (Husband passing out after watching nurse wiggling the needle into his wife's arm). Susan said that she glared at the nurse while she tried to find veins on her another arm! It did get me to think about how hospital experience can be significantly different. If the staff doesn't regard you as piece of flesh, of course.