Saturday, May 30, 2009

The school is over!

I am not sure if I am thrilled about school being over. I told Clint that I would have to establish a some kind of routine to retain my sanity. My kids are fairly high maintenance sometimes and I sometimes can't just get a moment alone. Today, it was insane!! I finally am getting a quiet and peace this evening because my three kids are gone off to Sandra's and my other two are napping. Ha.

Few weeks ago, we had a teacher appreciation week. I had so much fun preparing things to send off. Here's the letter I sent to each teacher.

To all Special People in kids' life
You probably are wondering why you have been getting some peculiar items from Stimpson's household for Teacher's Appreciation. Let me explain what each of those items given represents what teachers meant to us:


Water bottle/snack bar which usually are used in Marathons- Teaching is like a marathon- it gets exciting in beginning, tiring in middle, and deciding that it is all worthwhile in the end.


Magnetized writing pad- There are so much details to remember all day long everyday . . . A ability to focus on good priorities is a main trait in good teachers . . . They work so hard to make sure that lessons, classroom experience, and disciplining goes off working like clock.


Pin cushion- represent how many hearts you have mended, uplifted, and much more. Sometimes, teachers are like parents- they comfort, help, and bring happiness in the little hearts of children they are entrusted the care of.


Hot pads- Sometimes, teachers have to deal with sensitive situation with delicate handling. They sometimes are in precarious situation and took courage in doing what they know to be right. Hot pads are gumption, wisdom, and discretion - all important traits in good teachers.


Candy and bag- Represent the return of rewarding experience in teaching. All of those time given in teaching and sacrificing . . . Here's a sweet return of our appreciation in making the difference in our children's lives.

Candy bag is the most fun item I ever made! I also made hot pads, pin cushions as gift from my sewing machine and from ideas list I gained from my friend, Cathy.

Here's the pic of candy bag I made but with candy kisses themed Moda product.
If any of you guys are interested in learning how to make- just ask me for the direct link. I found all varied form of fabulous ideas on . . . They all are so wonderful!

As for the summer, I have no big plans ahead other than soccer and swimming lessons. I am thinking of setting up some kind of rules. Like no friends on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Going to library in morning and getting kids in with story times. Visiting fun places like zoo, museums, etc each other Friday. I hope the kids still will find it to be a memorable summer though that we aren't going to far off places or going camping in cool places. I don't want to do anything with a new baby.


Unknown said...

Laurel!! I loved your teacher appreciation ideas!! What a great Mom you are to all of the kids teachers!! I love your candy bags too!! Very Very cool!!!

For some great rules ideas I am going to copy my friend Andrea, she has a blog called Treasure Chest School Ideas, or something like that, there is a link to it on one of my side bars which I need to organize when I get the time!!

Cathy Holt said...

finally reading others blog... Parker sick so I stayed home with him instead going church. Wow those are so gorgeous!! You made them! I planned to make those but I got distracted with other sewing projects. I just finished one handbag... will post that on blog when I get the quilt top gor my grandma done. Hope to see you and your baby soon! Hugs