Friday, March 7, 2008

Done with CERT Class!

Last Wednesday, I was able to complete the last course of CERT. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. All firemen have been training people everywhere to prepare them to come in the assistance in the case of massive disaster that goes beyond the ability and resources of our professionals.

I must confess that it is very difficult for me to come to the class every time I take a course. Sometimes, knowledge can be a bit frightening. I had to endure some gruesome piece of information and learn how to manage with that. There are just some nights where I can't simply sleep or go back to sleep because of the bad dream that come from what I heard in CERT class or just knowing too much that leads me to feel stressed easily. I figured that I HAD to know how to manage it than to know nothing- which is the worst thing I can do if anything terrible happens.

The last course was the worst of them all. We had to do a stimulated disaster and show to firemen how we can do it and get some counsel. Firemen told us that there's no pass and fail in this course. We just need to wing it like we do in the real life. When I saw the stimulated scene, I told an interpreter dryly that we will profit more out of it by selling tickets so people can get scared like they do in the haunted houses.

I woke up in the middle of night because I had a dream where I was called to assist an injured victim, I was standing hip deep water and I was scrambling for anything that can help me with victim. I felt awfully helpless in the dream so I woke up with my heart beating so hard. I wondered about that . . . I didn't see anything gruesome in the dream but I believe that I am the most scared of feeling helpless and having no idea of what I should be doing.

I am so glad it is all over. I still am glad that I took the class. Because of the class, I feel a bit more prepared not only with knowledge. I was able to identify exactly what my family needed . . . fire extinguisher, first aid, and all AND BE able to use them all. I am glad I can add some stuff to our storage and help with family emergency preparation.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Bryce really wants to do CERT training also, but hasn't found the time yet. There is so much good information there! My dad did the training a few years ago and is now an at least we know where to go for info! :)