Sunday, December 14, 2008
I still am learning but I am doing something very exciting- an official collection of slideshow to share with you guys!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Ultrasound Appointment
It is amazing to realize how quickly the time goes by. I am almost twenty weeks along and just have been in for ultrasound appointment. I just was told that it will be just two appointments in two months then after that, it will be biweekly. I never knew that it will go down to this very rapidly. I am not very fond of going to doctor appointments and enduring the poking. I wish I could keep it to minimum!
Ultrasound appointment was so nice! They had up to date machine so they were able to identify a lot of things that they didn't have the ability to in four years. I am thrilled to see my baby's kidneys, four chambered hearts and all. They did tell me that veins to kidneys were enlarged so they will check on that soon to make sure they would go away. I hope so! I don't know what sort of complications that can come from that!
Well, I am sure you are perched on anxiously to find out what I am going to have- a boy or a girl? Here's the hint- my girls are celebrating while Ian is sulking. Isn't that so easy to guess now? Ha ha.
Ian said something to ultrasound specialist which I found to be particularly amusing . . . He asked if the baby had ability in disconnecting itself. I thought it to be very funny because it DOES look like that way on the machine. With the echoing, machine was able to pick up only so much. Ha ha ha. There's stomach, there's lips, there's nose, profile, and thus. You know how that goes.
Ultrasound appointment was so nice! They had up to date machine so they were able to identify a lot of things that they didn't have the ability to in four years. I am thrilled to see my baby's kidneys, four chambered hearts and all. They did tell me that veins to kidneys were enlarged so they will check on that soon to make sure they would go away. I hope so! I don't know what sort of complications that can come from that!
Well, I am sure you are perched on anxiously to find out what I am going to have- a boy or a girl? Here's the hint- my girls are celebrating while Ian is sulking. Isn't that so easy to guess now? Ha ha.
Ian said something to ultrasound specialist which I found to be particularly amusing . . . He asked if the baby had ability in disconnecting itself. I thought it to be very funny because it DOES look like that way on the machine. With the echoing, machine was able to pick up only so much. Ha ha ha. There's stomach, there's lips, there's nose, profile, and thus. You know how that goes.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Three Levels of Christmas
I loved this article and wanted to share it with my dear friends.
The Three Levels of Christmas
As Quoted By Daryl Hoole
Years ago a friend enclosed an unsigned editorial with her Christmas card. We found it to be insightful and inspirational, so much so, in fact, that I it comes to mind along with Christmas every year. This year I am sharing it with you, my Meridian readers, with the desire that you, too, will appreciate its message.
Editors' Note: Since we published this piece we heard from one of our loyal readers who identified the source of The Three Levels of Christmas: The article was written as a Church News editorial by William B. Smart, and appears in his book, Messages for a Happier Life (Deseret Book, 1989), pp. 33-34.
According to the author of this editorial, there are three levels on which we can celebrate Christmas. He writes, “Let's call the first of these levels The Santa Claus Level. It's the level of Christmas trees and holly, of whispered secrets and colorful packages, of candlelight and rich food and warm open houses. It's carolers in the shopping malls, excited children and weary but loving parents. It's a lovely time of special warmth and caring and giving. It's the level at which we eat too much and spend too much and do too much—and enjoy every minute of it. We love the Santa Claus level of Christmas.
“But there's a higher, more beautiful level. Let's call the second level The Silent Night Level. It's the level of our glorious Christmas carols, of that beloved, familiar story, ‘Now in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus. . .' It's the level of the crowded inn and the silent, holy moment in a dark stable when the Son of Man came to earth. It's shepherds on steep, bare hills near Bethlehem , angels with their glad tidings, a new star in the East, wise men traveling far in search of the Holy One. How beautiful and meaningful it is; how infinitely poorer we would be without this sacred second level of Christmas.
“The trouble is, these two levels don't last. They can't.
“Twelve days of Christmas, at the first level, is about all we can stand. It's too intense, too extravagant. The tree dries out and the needles fall. The candles burn down. The beautiful wrappings go out with the trash, the carolers are skating on the ice, and the toys break. The feast is over and the dieting begins. But the lonely and the hungry are with us still, perhaps lonelier and hungrier than before.
“Lovely and joyous as the first level of Christmas is, there will come a day, very soon, when Mother will put away the decorations and vacuum the living room and think, ‘Thank goodness that's over for another year.'
“Even the second level, the level of the Baby Jesus, can't last. How many times this season can you sing ‘Silent Night?' The angels and the star and the shepherds, even the silent, sacred mystery of that holy night itself, can't long satisfy humanity's basic need. The man who keeps Christ in the manger will, in the end, be disappointed and empty.
“No, for Christmas to last all year long, for it to grow in beauty and meaning and purpose, for it to have the power to change lives, we must celebrate it on the third level, that of The Adult Christ . It is at this level—not as an infant—that our Savior brings His gifts of lasting joy, lasting peace, lasting hope. It was the adult Christ who reached out and touched the untouchable, who loved the unlovable, who so loved us all that even in His agony on the cross He prayed forgiveness for His enemies.
“This is the Christ, creator of worlds without number, who wept, Enoch tells us, because so many of us lack affection and hate each other—and then who willingly gave His life for ALL of us, including those for whom He wept.
“He is the Christ of whom the prophets had foretold for centuries would come. Even before the world was created we learned of the key role the Savior would perform in the Plan of Salvation. He accepted the Father's Plan of Redemption and submitted himself to the will of the Father. We read in Moses 4:2:
Behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father; thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.
“We also read in the scriptures from Isaiah 7:14:
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
“In 2 Nephi 17:14 it is repeated.
In Isaiah 9:6 we read:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
“We read in 1 Corinthians 15:22:
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. How great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah.
“Yes, He was and is wonderful, the Great Counsellor, the mighty God, willing to sacrifice His life that we might live if we are but willing to accept Him as our Savior. He is the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
“This is the Christ, the adult Christ, who gave us the perfect example, and asked us to follow Him.
“It was this Jesus Christ whose birth we are celebrating that asked us:
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)
A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (John 13:14)
“Accepting that invitation—to keep His commandments and to love one another—is the way— THE ONLY WAY —to celebrate Christmas all year and all life long.”
The Three Levels of Christmas
As Quoted By Daryl Hoole
Years ago a friend enclosed an unsigned editorial with her Christmas card. We found it to be insightful and inspirational, so much so, in fact, that I it comes to mind along with Christmas every year. This year I am sharing it with you, my Meridian readers, with the desire that you, too, will appreciate its message.
Editors' Note: Since we published this piece we heard from one of our loyal readers who identified the source of The Three Levels of Christmas: The article was written as a Church News editorial by William B. Smart, and appears in his book, Messages for a Happier Life (Deseret Book, 1989), pp. 33-34.
According to the author of this editorial, there are three levels on which we can celebrate Christmas. He writes, “Let's call the first of these levels The Santa Claus Level. It's the level of Christmas trees and holly, of whispered secrets and colorful packages, of candlelight and rich food and warm open houses. It's carolers in the shopping malls, excited children and weary but loving parents. It's a lovely time of special warmth and caring and giving. It's the level at which we eat too much and spend too much and do too much—and enjoy every minute of it. We love the Santa Claus level of Christmas.
“But there's a higher, more beautiful level. Let's call the second level The Silent Night Level. It's the level of our glorious Christmas carols, of that beloved, familiar story, ‘Now in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus. . .' It's the level of the crowded inn and the silent, holy moment in a dark stable when the Son of Man came to earth. It's shepherds on steep, bare hills near Bethlehem , angels with their glad tidings, a new star in the East, wise men traveling far in search of the Holy One. How beautiful and meaningful it is; how infinitely poorer we would be without this sacred second level of Christmas.
“The trouble is, these two levels don't last. They can't.
“Twelve days of Christmas, at the first level, is about all we can stand. It's too intense, too extravagant. The tree dries out and the needles fall. The candles burn down. The beautiful wrappings go out with the trash, the carolers are skating on the ice, and the toys break. The feast is over and the dieting begins. But the lonely and the hungry are with us still, perhaps lonelier and hungrier than before.
“Lovely and joyous as the first level of Christmas is, there will come a day, very soon, when Mother will put away the decorations and vacuum the living room and think, ‘Thank goodness that's over for another year.'
“Even the second level, the level of the Baby Jesus, can't last. How many times this season can you sing ‘Silent Night?' The angels and the star and the shepherds, even the silent, sacred mystery of that holy night itself, can't long satisfy humanity's basic need. The man who keeps Christ in the manger will, in the end, be disappointed and empty.
“No, for Christmas to last all year long, for it to grow in beauty and meaning and purpose, for it to have the power to change lives, we must celebrate it on the third level, that of The Adult Christ . It is at this level—not as an infant—that our Savior brings His gifts of lasting joy, lasting peace, lasting hope. It was the adult Christ who reached out and touched the untouchable, who loved the unlovable, who so loved us all that even in His agony on the cross He prayed forgiveness for His enemies.
“This is the Christ, creator of worlds without number, who wept, Enoch tells us, because so many of us lack affection and hate each other—and then who willingly gave His life for ALL of us, including those for whom He wept.
“He is the Christ of whom the prophets had foretold for centuries would come. Even before the world was created we learned of the key role the Savior would perform in the Plan of Salvation. He accepted the Father's Plan of Redemption and submitted himself to the will of the Father. We read in Moses 4:2:
Behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father; thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.
“We also read in the scriptures from Isaiah 7:14:
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
“In 2 Nephi 17:14 it is repeated.
In Isaiah 9:6 we read:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
“We read in 1 Corinthians 15:22:
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. How great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah.
“Yes, He was and is wonderful, the Great Counsellor, the mighty God, willing to sacrifice His life that we might live if we are but willing to accept Him as our Savior. He is the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
“This is the Christ, the adult Christ, who gave us the perfect example, and asked us to follow Him.
“It was this Jesus Christ whose birth we are celebrating that asked us:
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15)
A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (John 13:14)
“Accepting that invitation—to keep His commandments and to love one another—is the way— THE ONLY WAY —to celebrate Christmas all year and all life long.”
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Shopping
Believe it or not, I managed to go to FIVE stores in two hours period! There was a huge sale at American Fork's Old Navy. They wanted to get rid of clothes on clearance so they are giving 75 percent off the original price. I got pregnant outfits for just 3 to 4 dollars each.
I exchanged Annalise's pair of shoes. She hated the original one so much so I just took her back and pick different pair. The original ones had some sort of pucker in side of heel part. It really is abrasive and annoying. At Target's I grabbed two set of waterproof twin mattress pad off before the others get it. I just have one left to go. It is very hard to get that version in a family oriented town like mine. I liked that type because it lasts longer and is more pleasant to lay on. I also picked up some of gifts for our assigned family on Clint's side. I then went to Recreational Outlet to pick a Christmas gift (very good item to have) for my side. I then got Clint to come with me to eat lunch at Olive Garden. After all of those adventures, we went back home to have Timmy to take a nap. That kid is worn out and cranky!
Clint has been putting up dry walls lately. He still is working on first room. But it is almost done. Next day, he can get started on new room! Clint said that he is learning by trial and error like everyone else. Ian is a such good helper! He holds something for his daddy, gets something for his daddy, and cleans something up for his daddy. Just imagine what that kid can do when he grows up!
I got my first Christmas cards. This time, people beat me to it. Ha ha. I will have to get started on my usual Christmas newsletter and I need to be creative still. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't trump the previous one. But I felt obligated to!
I have been working on new blog. It is called tried and true recipes blog. However, somebody else already have taken that website address so I used . . . I already put four recipes down. I also made my sister, Susan, an administrator of this blog so that she can add several of her delicious recipes.
Yesterday, two of people I know spent their time in hospital. Both had significantly different experiences! One had relatively good experience and is able to find the entire procedure endurable while another one had a misery filled experience. This one I mentioned is my sister . . She went in for colonscopy and "Look-In-Your-Stomach"procedure. I have no idea what it is called. Well, she got a nurse that botched inserting IV needle into her arm so bad that she wiggled around. Gabe passed out! They had to put him into "feet up" position to get him out of it. Nurse apologized and said that it is bad morning for her. Well, my sister found out on later that a husband and a wife had that nurse and the similar incident occurred (Husband passing out after watching nurse wiggling the needle into his wife's arm). Susan said that she glared at the nurse while she tried to find veins on her another arm! It did get me to think about how hospital experience can be significantly different. If the staff doesn't regard you as piece of flesh, of course.
I exchanged Annalise's pair of shoes. She hated the original one so much so I just took her back and pick different pair. The original ones had some sort of pucker in side of heel part. It really is abrasive and annoying. At Target's I grabbed two set of waterproof twin mattress pad off before the others get it. I just have one left to go. It is very hard to get that version in a family oriented town like mine. I liked that type because it lasts longer and is more pleasant to lay on. I also picked up some of gifts for our assigned family on Clint's side. I then went to Recreational Outlet to pick a Christmas gift (very good item to have) for my side. I then got Clint to come with me to eat lunch at Olive Garden. After all of those adventures, we went back home to have Timmy to take a nap. That kid is worn out and cranky!
Clint has been putting up dry walls lately. He still is working on first room. But it is almost done. Next day, he can get started on new room! Clint said that he is learning by trial and error like everyone else. Ian is a such good helper! He holds something for his daddy, gets something for his daddy, and cleans something up for his daddy. Just imagine what that kid can do when he grows up!
I got my first Christmas cards. This time, people beat me to it. Ha ha. I will have to get started on my usual Christmas newsletter and I need to be creative still. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't trump the previous one. But I felt obligated to!
I have been working on new blog. It is called tried and true recipes blog. However, somebody else already have taken that website address so I used . . . I already put four recipes down. I also made my sister, Susan, an administrator of this blog so that she can add several of her delicious recipes.
Yesterday, two of people I know spent their time in hospital. Both had significantly different experiences! One had relatively good experience and is able to find the entire procedure endurable while another one had a misery filled experience. This one I mentioned is my sister . . She went in for colonscopy and "Look-In-Your-Stomach"procedure. I have no idea what it is called. Well, she got a nurse that botched inserting IV needle into her arm so bad that she wiggled around. Gabe passed out! They had to put him into "feet up" position to get him out of it. Nurse apologized and said that it is bad morning for her. Well, my sister found out on later that a husband and a wife had that nurse and the similar incident occurred (Husband passing out after watching nurse wiggling the needle into his wife's arm). Susan said that she glared at the nurse while she tried to find veins on her another arm! It did get me to think about how hospital experience can be significantly different. If the staff doesn't regard you as piece of flesh, of course.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Approaching
I am about eighteen weeks along and Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner. Both sets of parents are coming to the town and it is exciting. We are grateful that due to flexibility of one family, we are able to get together twice to celebrate Thanksgiving on different days. I look forward to having mine. It is the first one in twelve years.
My kids had their last day of school today and are home now. They are very excited- no homework and plenty of time to play. They are excited about hanging out with their cousins and friends. Clint and I have been going solo for many holidays lately. It sometimes go so bad that I don't know what is going on with Clint's family. Ha. My family is pretty small and very close knit. We call each other weekly on VP. We love it! Susan and I hang out on monthly basis. We do fun stuff like celebrating holidays, doing scrapbooking, and much more.
Morning sickness is OVER. I still feel unsettled occasionally after some meals but it isn't too bad. But after doing my daily duty facing down the toilet bowl, I found being able to be somewhere in the house doing something something to be extra grateful about.
I just did my house chores and feel a great deal more satisfied. I will have to go grocery shopping to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I am not expected to make major dishes but I got some dishes I will need to cook. It is what makes thanksgiving so special . . . traditional dishes!
Clint is all done with insulation! It just took him two weeks! We just had the inspector over and got a quick approval. We can't wait to get started on drywall! We may start this Saturday. We aren't sure. We didn't fix a date. Clint wanted to get his family's help in bringing in dry walls to upstairs and getting started. Clint and I agreed that there will be some huge change in appearance after having drywall up and screwed in.
I did some early Christmas shopping and am pleased to get some good stuff together. Now, it remains to us in doing family present assignments (we all draw lots on each other and give gifts to different but ONE family on yearly basis. It is good news bec we could be broke every Christmas if we had to do EVERY family).
Suzy had a cute Thanksgiving play where the kids are dressed up in handmade clothes (Indians or Pilgrims) and sang some songs last Friday. It was very short and we had pumpkin pies afterwards.
I guess that we are going to have pizza tonite. Annalise asked for it. If we left choice of dinner to kids everyday, it will be just: nuggets/French fries, pizza, and spaghetti on the menu on daily basis. Ha ha.
I updated the blog for fun. Made it more holiday themed. I guess I will need to update it with pictures as well. I ought to take pictures of upstairs . . . Show some changes!
Love ya all.
My kids had their last day of school today and are home now. They are very excited- no homework and plenty of time to play. They are excited about hanging out with their cousins and friends. Clint and I have been going solo for many holidays lately. It sometimes go so bad that I don't know what is going on with Clint's family. Ha. My family is pretty small and very close knit. We call each other weekly on VP. We love it! Susan and I hang out on monthly basis. We do fun stuff like celebrating holidays, doing scrapbooking, and much more.
Morning sickness is OVER. I still feel unsettled occasionally after some meals but it isn't too bad. But after doing my daily duty facing down the toilet bowl, I found being able to be somewhere in the house doing something something to be extra grateful about.
I just did my house chores and feel a great deal more satisfied. I will have to go grocery shopping to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I am not expected to make major dishes but I got some dishes I will need to cook. It is what makes thanksgiving so special . . . traditional dishes!
Clint is all done with insulation! It just took him two weeks! We just had the inspector over and got a quick approval. We can't wait to get started on drywall! We may start this Saturday. We aren't sure. We didn't fix a date. Clint wanted to get his family's help in bringing in dry walls to upstairs and getting started. Clint and I agreed that there will be some huge change in appearance after having drywall up and screwed in.
I did some early Christmas shopping and am pleased to get some good stuff together. Now, it remains to us in doing family present assignments (we all draw lots on each other and give gifts to different but ONE family on yearly basis. It is good news bec we could be broke every Christmas if we had to do EVERY family).
Suzy had a cute Thanksgiving play where the kids are dressed up in handmade clothes (Indians or Pilgrims) and sang some songs last Friday. It was very short and we had pumpkin pies afterwards.
I guess that we are going to have pizza tonite. Annalise asked for it. If we left choice of dinner to kids everyday, it will be just: nuggets/French fries, pizza, and spaghetti on the menu on daily basis. Ha ha.
I updated the blog for fun. Made it more holiday themed. I guess I will need to update it with pictures as well. I ought to take pictures of upstairs . . . Show some changes!
Love ya all.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Two months no posts!
I know, I know. I have been going like that. I can't believe that. Ugh. I will explain why. I accidentally got pregnant . . . The very first unplanned one . . . back in August. I didn't find out till in end of August. WHEN the morning sickness wave HIT. It was horrible. It began five weeks (too early for me) then I had to put up with all kit and nothing ever worked. But when it tapered off at 13 weeks, I was grateful . . . Normally, it ends at around 14 to 15 weeks. I am 14 weeks along and feeling pretty decent. I can't eat certain items like salsa, spaghetti sauce or pizza for a little while. My stomach feels a bit delicate. I do run out of energy very quickly as well. As soon when I got better, I got sick with COLD! It took me two weeks to completely recover. When I am pregnant, it always take me forever to recover completely.
Today, I dropped Ian off at his school because he was stalling at everything. That kid is so whimsy. I am sure if I try to find out why he took that approach, I will find out that he isn't in mood for school. I went to store to get some food and picked some internet ordered items up. I then went to my friend to drop some catalog off. I loved talking with her because of her no nonsense approach to the life and helps me to put some things in perspective. After an hour at her house, I wrapped my tent up and left for home. My kids were hungry so I gave them snacks to eat. Annalise sometimes ask for the funniest thing. This morning, she asked for pickles.
Soccer season was over around October. Halloween was last weekend. I must admit that I faced those with very small amount of enthusiasm. Ha. I didn't hold a house party for friends like I normally do. Ha. I guess it was because of lack of energy, my house being disorganized, and all . . . I will love to do a belated housewarming party when we are done with upstairs, I guess.
Clint is doing pretty well with the bedrooms projects so far. We still are in HVAC/framing stage. Clint is done with electricity for real. Clint just have to do a bit of framing. I can't wait for the inspector to come in and approve so that we can proceed with next thing.
Clint has been spending some weekends doing either upstairs or helping Ian with his cub scout stuff. Ian loves spending his time with his dad! Two Saturdays ago, Ian helped his dad digging the carrots out, mowing lawn, cleaning garage out . .. Then last Saturday, Clint took Ian to hardware store and both discussed the use of tools there. Ian always wears a huge smile on his face when he completed something with his dad. It really is wonderful.
My girls are in so love with Tinkerbell movie, I guess it is their fourth time watching this movie already. Tinkerbell movie is a sweet story about Tinkerbell character and why she became who she is.
Timmy . . . Poor little Timmy. He had bad month in October. He split his chin and had to get four stitches, scratched his eye (and cried for a week because of the pain), bumped his head, got his two major toes stubbed that he got purply line on each. He is recovering slowly from each of those. Scratch in eye is all gone. But the cut on his chin still is bright red and knotted . . . Purple lines are taking forever to grow out. I think it will encourage him to be a bit more careful sometime in the future. He learns very quickly and remembers all of his lessons.
Back in October, Clint and I went to Pittsburgh in PA and stayed there for five days. Clint had a conference there and I still had morning sickness so I was able to just relax. It is so nice. Susan took Annalise and Timmy while Sandra took Suzy and Ian. They were so helpful, bless their hearts. I owe them something that I will never able to completely repay. Visit to Pittsburgh really was interesting. Just a different environment and different sort of people. There are lots of hills and rivers. Plus, it was dewy there. I didn't need to use lotion as much as I needed to in Utah.
There's two months worth of news to say. Yet, I need to take a bit there and there of my time to add few. I said plenty for now. ha.
Today, I dropped Ian off at his school because he was stalling at everything. That kid is so whimsy. I am sure if I try to find out why he took that approach, I will find out that he isn't in mood for school. I went to store to get some food and picked some internet ordered items up. I then went to my friend to drop some catalog off. I loved talking with her because of her no nonsense approach to the life and helps me to put some things in perspective. After an hour at her house, I wrapped my tent up and left for home. My kids were hungry so I gave them snacks to eat. Annalise sometimes ask for the funniest thing. This morning, she asked for pickles.
Soccer season was over around October. Halloween was last weekend. I must admit that I faced those with very small amount of enthusiasm. Ha. I didn't hold a house party for friends like I normally do. Ha. I guess it was because of lack of energy, my house being disorganized, and all . . . I will love to do a belated housewarming party when we are done with upstairs, I guess.
Clint is doing pretty well with the bedrooms projects so far. We still are in HVAC/framing stage. Clint is done with electricity for real. Clint just have to do a bit of framing. I can't wait for the inspector to come in and approve so that we can proceed with next thing.
Clint has been spending some weekends doing either upstairs or helping Ian with his cub scout stuff. Ian loves spending his time with his dad! Two Saturdays ago, Ian helped his dad digging the carrots out, mowing lawn, cleaning garage out . .. Then last Saturday, Clint took Ian to hardware store and both discussed the use of tools there. Ian always wears a huge smile on his face when he completed something with his dad. It really is wonderful.
My girls are in so love with Tinkerbell movie, I guess it is their fourth time watching this movie already. Tinkerbell movie is a sweet story about Tinkerbell character and why she became who she is.
Timmy . . . Poor little Timmy. He had bad month in October. He split his chin and had to get four stitches, scratched his eye (and cried for a week because of the pain), bumped his head, got his two major toes stubbed that he got purply line on each. He is recovering slowly from each of those. Scratch in eye is all gone. But the cut on his chin still is bright red and knotted . . . Purple lines are taking forever to grow out. I think it will encourage him to be a bit more careful sometime in the future. He learns very quickly and remembers all of his lessons.
Back in October, Clint and I went to Pittsburgh in PA and stayed there for five days. Clint had a conference there and I still had morning sickness so I was able to just relax. It is so nice. Susan took Annalise and Timmy while Sandra took Suzy and Ian. They were so helpful, bless their hearts. I owe them something that I will never able to completely repay. Visit to Pittsburgh really was interesting. Just a different environment and different sort of people. There are lots of hills and rivers. Plus, it was dewy there. I didn't need to use lotion as much as I needed to in Utah.
There's two months worth of news to say. Yet, I need to take a bit there and there of my time to add few. I said plenty for now. ha.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Another Monday
Basically, we all have been doing nothing but sleeping, eating, school/work and soccer. Our kids go to their practices on Tuesday and their games on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdays. I was being optimistic. I thought it wasn't too bad and it only lasts for a month and half. September 16 is the day of kids' last games.
One really insightful hit I got was last Wednesday. We were at Suzy's soccer game and there's a girl who have brother who is on Ian's soccer team. That boy was coupled with other boy, hanging out together. Ian saw them and saw how they got a garden snake. Ian became excited and wanted to hang out with them. I remember watching how he went and talked with them. They trotted to one part of field and sat there. Two boys got up and left Ian sitting there and left off. I remember seeing how Ian looked downcast. I waited until he came back to us. I asked him who the boys are. If he knows them. I then asked him how old they are. Then I asked him what they said to him. Ian became a bit distant and said, "I do not care what they say." I asked him same question again. He replied the same.
I said, "Of course, we NEED to care. The Lord want us to keep on caring and wants us to always have feelings. When we stop feeling, it is when we are in trouble." I then told Ian gently that it is good thing for him to feel something. It was when Ian wept into my shoulder. I told him that it is very good to cry. We then talked. Ian told me that two boys threatened him that they will kill him if he keeps on following him. (That threat is a turn off for me, to be honest with you . . . It really tells you what type of shows they watch or games they play with) ... Ian had his feelings hurt. He really wanted to see that garden snake.
I comforted him with a story of mine. I told him that there were some girls who were very rude to me and hurt my feelings. I told him that I forgave them and we became friends years later. I told him that we all need growing up and realize how insensitive we were. That girl was shocked when I told her what she did to me. She didn't remember it but realized how rude she was.
Ian seemed to be comforted with that information. There's so little comfort we can find in the ways of world.
I learned inadvertently from the words I spoke. As President Marion G. Romney echoed the following: "I always know when I am speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost because I always learn something from what I've said." Well, I learned at this very spot how diverged the roads world's and God's are. World teaches that we shouldn't feel so much. We should be harder and thick-skinned. Meanwhile, God teaches that we need to be more compassionate, loving, full of charity. It really hit me so hard and I realized all the more how I need to teach my children how to be God-like in that direction instead of telling, "steel yourself up. More hurt is coming." or "Ignore that boy. He just is a jerk." It misdirects my children and will only give them wrong strategies they need in overcoming the world. I do not want them to be too hardened that they cannot listen to the spirit. I wanted them to be always considerate, loving and tender-hearted. Those are what take them to the kingdom of God.
That is my insight for the week.
One really insightful hit I got was last Wednesday. We were at Suzy's soccer game and there's a girl who have brother who is on Ian's soccer team. That boy was coupled with other boy, hanging out together. Ian saw them and saw how they got a garden snake. Ian became excited and wanted to hang out with them. I remember watching how he went and talked with them. They trotted to one part of field and sat there. Two boys got up and left Ian sitting there and left off. I remember seeing how Ian looked downcast. I waited until he came back to us. I asked him who the boys are. If he knows them. I then asked him how old they are. Then I asked him what they said to him. Ian became a bit distant and said, "I do not care what they say." I asked him same question again. He replied the same.
I said, "Of course, we NEED to care. The Lord want us to keep on caring and wants us to always have feelings. When we stop feeling, it is when we are in trouble." I then told Ian gently that it is good thing for him to feel something. It was when Ian wept into my shoulder. I told him that it is very good to cry. We then talked. Ian told me that two boys threatened him that they will kill him if he keeps on following him. (That threat is a turn off for me, to be honest with you . . . It really tells you what type of shows they watch or games they play with) ... Ian had his feelings hurt. He really wanted to see that garden snake.
I comforted him with a story of mine. I told him that there were some girls who were very rude to me and hurt my feelings. I told him that I forgave them and we became friends years later. I told him that we all need growing up and realize how insensitive we were. That girl was shocked when I told her what she did to me. She didn't remember it but realized how rude she was.
Ian seemed to be comforted with that information. There's so little comfort we can find in the ways of world.
I learned inadvertently from the words I spoke. As President Marion G. Romney echoed the following: "I always know when I am speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost because I always learn something from what I've said." Well, I learned at this very spot how diverged the roads world's and God's are. World teaches that we shouldn't feel so much. We should be harder and thick-skinned. Meanwhile, God teaches that we need to be more compassionate, loving, full of charity. It really hit me so hard and I realized all the more how I need to teach my children how to be God-like in that direction instead of telling, "steel yourself up. More hurt is coming." or "Ignore that boy. He just is a jerk." It misdirects my children and will only give them wrong strategies they need in overcoming the world. I do not want them to be too hardened that they cannot listen to the spirit. I wanted them to be always considerate, loving and tender-hearted. Those are what take them to the kingdom of God.
That is my insight for the week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The First Day of School
Ian and Suzy just went off . . . Ian skipped the breakfast just because he can be at the bus stop early and play with other kids. However, because of us not going to the opening school night and introducing our children to their teachers ... I asked Clint to take kids directly to their classrooms. Ian is very put out with me for that. Today is school early out so they will be back home, full of news and full backpack of introductory stuff.
I satisfied my urges in cleaning some of the house. Floor were sticky and spotty. None bugs me more than walking upon sticky spots. Carpet is clean too. I shampooed spots out of it too. I also cleaned the sink put things away. I feel a bit more decent now. Now, I am starving!!!
Annalise is upset that she is not going to the school this year. She saw her siblings totting their backpacks and going off. She rushed around, got dressed up, ate her breakfast and packed her backpack and tossed an apple into it for her lunch. I asked her what she was doing. She said that she is going to the school this year because she is five years old. I corrected her gently about her age. She won't accept it. My little girl! She is a sweet little thing. I will have hard time letting her go when her turn comes.
I have been entertaining the notion in getting a cell phone/pager but I haven't decided. It is a commitment I am not sure I should be making yet. I have seen many opportunities where it could helped me out. But people 100 years ago did make it. I figured that I made it so far and I could in the future. It does sort of bug other people knowing that I am a bit more difficult to contact, though. Ha ha. I sympathize with them!
A couple of thoughts here . . .
I have been reading a couple of chapters about building the foundation upon the rock of Christ and how Captain Moroni bewildered the hosts of Lamanites by putting up the fortress around many cities and the land. I discussed with Clint yesterday night about what they actually mean to us in our life. I asked him about his experience in teaching the youth. I pointed out that we can typically answer the stuff youth answer . . . Fortress may represent studying the scriptures, going to the temple, praying, and family home evening. I think there's more to it than just those. I told Clint that those activities are merely heap of dirt or one brick. Those things just make one ultimate thing which Heavenly Father really wanted us to understand. It is the state of mind we put ourselves into. When we are focused on the right things and have the desire in living righteously, Satan has no way of tempting us or no method of attacking us. It is what an eye single the the glory of God really means.
Other thing I have been thinking was the importance of recognizing the hand of the Lord in our lives. The instant moment when we cease to recognize His hand in our lives, we are not able to understand our personal relationship with Him. We need interaction to truly understand and identify our position. When a person is sunk into the sin, it is difficult for this person to feel that he/she is of worth . . . Because they don't understand or know the Lord personally. Through the filter of their filth, they aren't able to identify the influence of Holy Ghost. It really is so tragic. They stop believing in themselves. They stop believing in the gospel and no longer feel like God truly exists. Repentance truly is a necessary tool in restoring this person in his standing with God. How the atonement is important tool in helping this person to return to the divine communication with God. I think I understand it better and more when I grow older. With divine insights I am able to gain and I am ever thankful for that. It helps me to be a bit more compassionate towards my fellow beings.
I satisfied my urges in cleaning some of the house. Floor were sticky and spotty. None bugs me more than walking upon sticky spots. Carpet is clean too. I shampooed spots out of it too. I also cleaned the sink put things away. I feel a bit more decent now. Now, I am starving!!!
Annalise is upset that she is not going to the school this year. She saw her siblings totting their backpacks and going off. She rushed around, got dressed up, ate her breakfast and packed her backpack and tossed an apple into it for her lunch. I asked her what she was doing. She said that she is going to the school this year because she is five years old. I corrected her gently about her age. She won't accept it. My little girl! She is a sweet little thing. I will have hard time letting her go when her turn comes.
I have been entertaining the notion in getting a cell phone/pager but I haven't decided. It is a commitment I am not sure I should be making yet. I have seen many opportunities where it could helped me out. But people 100 years ago did make it. I figured that I made it so far and I could in the future. It does sort of bug other people knowing that I am a bit more difficult to contact, though. Ha ha. I sympathize with them!
A couple of thoughts here . . .
I have been reading a couple of chapters about building the foundation upon the rock of Christ and how Captain Moroni bewildered the hosts of Lamanites by putting up the fortress around many cities and the land. I discussed with Clint yesterday night about what they actually mean to us in our life. I asked him about his experience in teaching the youth. I pointed out that we can typically answer the stuff youth answer . . . Fortress may represent studying the scriptures, going to the temple, praying, and family home evening. I think there's more to it than just those. I told Clint that those activities are merely heap of dirt or one brick. Those things just make one ultimate thing which Heavenly Father really wanted us to understand. It is the state of mind we put ourselves into. When we are focused on the right things and have the desire in living righteously, Satan has no way of tempting us or no method of attacking us. It is what an eye single the the glory of God really means.
Other thing I have been thinking was the importance of recognizing the hand of the Lord in our lives. The instant moment when we cease to recognize His hand in our lives, we are not able to understand our personal relationship with Him. We need interaction to truly understand and identify our position. When a person is sunk into the sin, it is difficult for this person to feel that he/she is of worth . . . Because they don't understand or know the Lord personally. Through the filter of their filth, they aren't able to identify the influence of Holy Ghost. It really is so tragic. They stop believing in themselves. They stop believing in the gospel and no longer feel like God truly exists. Repentance truly is a necessary tool in restoring this person in his standing with God. How the atonement is important tool in helping this person to return to the divine communication with God. I think I understand it better and more when I grow older. With divine insights I am able to gain and I am ever thankful for that. It helps me to be a bit more compassionate towards my fellow beings.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm trying my best to recover from the long vacation. I usually do not react to changes very well and I usually settle in very slowly. It is same with warming up to people, trying to get used to the bed, try to feel comfortable in new environment and understanding it.
I always have had hard time sleeping first nights at different places. In a week and half alone, I had to sleep in four different places. And every night, I am always worried about something- will Timmy sleep okay or won't he fall off that new bed? Will we be able to make it in our schedule? Will we have lots of fun? What should I be taking to prepare for this activity?
I have been sleep-deprived for a while. Ha. I'm pretty happy to be back home and realize all the more how a homebody I am!
We had fabulous time nonetheless. Pioneer trek was pretty difficult, I will admit. Timmy and Annalise had their schedule at home and didn't react very well to different situation. Timmy was crying half of the time because he needed nap so badly and only will sleep in our arms. We walked 9 miles with Timmy in our arms. It was very exhausting. Clint and I took turns with Timmy and pushed the handcart other time. I have a complete sympathy for pioneers who had to deal with their own cranky STARVING children in the winter time. I heard some stories while we did the walking activities. I heard how parents had to endure hearing their own little children crying themselves to sleep because they are so hungry. It pretty much broke my own heart. Basically, if people just went there just for sighteeing . . . There will be nothing to see. The main reason people went there is to EXPERIENCE, walk in the footsteps, and develop better empathy/understanding of the depth of sacrifice the pioneers made. People basically told some pioneer's stories while we made stop there and there. I know that I said that I walked nine miles. It was supposed to be 12 miles in total. But due to many having health problems and others having little children, our bishop announced that teen boys and fathers take handcarts back while mothers and others drive back to the meeting place to clean the handcarts down. SO I took our kids back in the van while Ian and Clint walked back. We ONLY HAD to wait for 45 minutes! I saw Clint pushing the handcart being red faced and out of breath. I asked him why. He said in between hard breaths that those teen boys in the lead practically were RUNNING back with handcart and all for three miles in straight! I had a good laugh! They must have been very anxious to be home. It took us two and half hours to the camp for three miles due to frequent stops but it just took forty-five minutes for teen boys to get back to the meeting place!
After pioneer trek, we went straight to mom's place in Rapid City. We were so happy to be back into cleaner place (it was very dusty and hot at Martin's Cove. We had to push handcarts in 102 degrees). I washed so many clothes. I was so glad to just be sleeping in a decent bed- and not worrying about rattlesnakes!
Then on Sunday, we went to the church with my parents and had fun meeting some people. We then got to return back home and celebrated Annalise's belated birthday. Mom made her cake and we had ice cream to go with it. On Monday, we went to Mt. Rushmore. On Tuesday, we went to Jewel cave. On Wednesday, we helped out at CSD serving food items to motorcyclists for Sturgis Rally. On Thursday, we went water sliding at a waterslide resort attached to two hotels. Then on Friday, we left for North Fork camping. Clint's family was having camping activity in North Fork. It is wonderful seeing our children getting together with their cousins and did a lot of fun stuff. My brother in law got a new kayak so he was teaching everyone else how to ride in it on Saturday. Ian and his new friend, Jesse, got into mud fight so they had to get their "CHILL" dip in Libby Lake. On the afternoon of Saturday, it poured so hard. Clint put our tent on higher ground so our stuff remained dry. I counted my good fortune in being married to a clever man like Clint. We managed to get our tent down on Sunday before it poured again.
We got home in the evening of Sunday and I was so glad to be sleeping on my own bed!
I will put up some pictures for you guys to see- in slide fashion!
Yesterday, I took Ian and Suzy to store to get some school supplies. The school is starting on 18th of August. Ugh. Too soon! I just was getting used to them! Ha. They really love playing with their friends and they aren't too much of a hassle like they used to be on the first week of summer. Ian, Suzy and Annalise all have soccer this year. I feel awfully torn. Everyone is having games, practices around same time and I guess Clint and I will be spending most of our time for a month and half splitting up and taking kids there and there!
Basically, it is our August. What a hectic month it is!
I always have had hard time sleeping first nights at different places. In a week and half alone, I had to sleep in four different places. And every night, I am always worried about something- will Timmy sleep okay or won't he fall off that new bed? Will we be able to make it in our schedule? Will we have lots of fun? What should I be taking to prepare for this activity?
I have been sleep-deprived for a while. Ha. I'm pretty happy to be back home and realize all the more how a homebody I am!
We had fabulous time nonetheless. Pioneer trek was pretty difficult, I will admit. Timmy and Annalise had their schedule at home and didn't react very well to different situation. Timmy was crying half of the time because he needed nap so badly and only will sleep in our arms. We walked 9 miles with Timmy in our arms. It was very exhausting. Clint and I took turns with Timmy and pushed the handcart other time. I have a complete sympathy for pioneers who had to deal with their own cranky STARVING children in the winter time. I heard some stories while we did the walking activities. I heard how parents had to endure hearing their own little children crying themselves to sleep because they are so hungry. It pretty much broke my own heart. Basically, if people just went there just for sighteeing . . . There will be nothing to see. The main reason people went there is to EXPERIENCE, walk in the footsteps, and develop better empathy/understanding of the depth of sacrifice the pioneers made. People basically told some pioneer's stories while we made stop there and there. I know that I said that I walked nine miles. It was supposed to be 12 miles in total. But due to many having health problems and others having little children, our bishop announced that teen boys and fathers take handcarts back while mothers and others drive back to the meeting place to clean the handcarts down. SO I took our kids back in the van while Ian and Clint walked back. We ONLY HAD to wait for 45 minutes! I saw Clint pushing the handcart being red faced and out of breath. I asked him why. He said in between hard breaths that those teen boys in the lead practically were RUNNING back with handcart and all for three miles in straight! I had a good laugh! They must have been very anxious to be home. It took us two and half hours to the camp for three miles due to frequent stops but it just took forty-five minutes for teen boys to get back to the meeting place!
After pioneer trek, we went straight to mom's place in Rapid City. We were so happy to be back into cleaner place (it was very dusty and hot at Martin's Cove. We had to push handcarts in 102 degrees). I washed so many clothes. I was so glad to just be sleeping in a decent bed- and not worrying about rattlesnakes!
Then on Sunday, we went to the church with my parents and had fun meeting some people. We then got to return back home and celebrated Annalise's belated birthday. Mom made her cake and we had ice cream to go with it. On Monday, we went to Mt. Rushmore. On Tuesday, we went to Jewel cave. On Wednesday, we helped out at CSD serving food items to motorcyclists for Sturgis Rally. On Thursday, we went water sliding at a waterslide resort attached to two hotels. Then on Friday, we left for North Fork camping. Clint's family was having camping activity in North Fork. It is wonderful seeing our children getting together with their cousins and did a lot of fun stuff. My brother in law got a new kayak so he was teaching everyone else how to ride in it on Saturday. Ian and his new friend, Jesse, got into mud fight so they had to get their "CHILL" dip in Libby Lake. On the afternoon of Saturday, it poured so hard. Clint put our tent on higher ground so our stuff remained dry. I counted my good fortune in being married to a clever man like Clint. We managed to get our tent down on Sunday before it poured again.
We got home in the evening of Sunday and I was so glad to be sleeping on my own bed!
I will put up some pictures for you guys to see- in slide fashion!
Yesterday, I took Ian and Suzy to store to get some school supplies. The school is starting on 18th of August. Ugh. Too soon! I just was getting used to them! Ha. They really love playing with their friends and they aren't too much of a hassle like they used to be on the first week of summer. Ian, Suzy and Annalise all have soccer this year. I feel awfully torn. Everyone is having games, practices around same time and I guess Clint and I will be spending most of our time for a month and half splitting up and taking kids there and there!
Basically, it is our August. What a hectic month it is!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bustling around for vacation
Our vacation will be coming up next week. I have a long list of "TO DO" before we go. I already reserved a room in a motel in Rawlins, Wyoming. Clint preferred that we are to go there on Wednesday and stay a night before we have to be at Martin's Cove at 11 a.m. all ready and dressed up in pioneer clothes. We will have to pack up with tent and stuff. We will be camping out at Martin's Cove, stay with mom and dad for six days in Rapid City then go down to Medicine Bow National Park to camp out with Clint's family. It will be a week and half vacation and I am glad we are able to do all at once in one time so we can save the money from being spent on gas.
I will have to make sure that we are all packed up, pioneer clothes being all done, bills being paid, Shadow being taken care before we go. I am going to borrow canopy from my sister so we can stock camping stuff into there.
I am not done with food storage but I understood that it is a project in process here. I can put it on hold for a little while.
I hope to finish bonnets for girls today. I am done with aprons and bloomers. I'm glad. Tomorrow, I will have to get started on vests for Timmy and Clint.
Fun fact here . . . There are many UPS stores that will do same day MTC delivery for just two dollars to four dollars. I sent a huge 16 lbs box yesterday and just paid 4 dollars for it.
Last weekend was crazy! We managed to survive through it! We had fun carnival, visit to cousins in Syracuse, house chores, and helping my sister out. It was so hectic that I felt so worn by Sunday!
On Friday, I took them over to my sister's house and they played with their cousins. I had lots of fun watching Sebastian and Timmy hanging out together. They both are just a month apart. They keep on following each other, imitating each other and playing games with each other. They talked with each other but I don't know what they told each other. Probably holding conversation about how they don't want to go in for naptime. Ha ha. The other older kids enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and swinging. Girls have had their princess tea parties and the boys played Wii games. In between those times, they played with water balloons. For some reason, girls decided that the water balloons are eggs and they keep on moving their hoard over this spot and that spot. Sometimes, on cruel mean streak, boys decide to smash their eggs just to watch girls' reactions. We ended putting some of them in time-out- especially Ian!
On Saturday, I took Ian with me and drove up to Salt Lake City to help my sister with her move. The rent went up so my sister wasn't able to afford living there. She found a two bedrooms apartment and got a roommate. So we all painted the wall of her old apartment that had green paint on, shampooed the carpet and helped with some there and there. I left at noon and came back home to do some chores. At 4:30 p.m., Clint and I took kids to fun carnival and Winger's. Suzy loved ferris wheel the best. We all shared two chairs and were able to go up very high. It was always wonderful every time! Then in the evening, Clint had work he had to do so he went over his work and worked there for three hours. There was a project that had bug in it and he had to get it done before the people in Saudi Arabia get up and start working at their computer. Clint explained to me that people over in Saudi Arabia's weekend is on Friday and Saturday. Their Sabbath is on Saturday. Isn't it so interesting?!
Well, swimming lessons were over by last week. I'm so glad we can sleep in those days. I will have to do visit teaching before this month is up. My companion is making appointments for tomorrow. I better go . . There's projects lying in wait for me to do.
Love you all!
I will have to make sure that we are all packed up, pioneer clothes being all done, bills being paid, Shadow being taken care before we go. I am going to borrow canopy from my sister so we can stock camping stuff into there.
I am not done with food storage but I understood that it is a project in process here. I can put it on hold for a little while.
I hope to finish bonnets for girls today. I am done with aprons and bloomers. I'm glad. Tomorrow, I will have to get started on vests for Timmy and Clint.
Fun fact here . . . There are many UPS stores that will do same day MTC delivery for just two dollars to four dollars. I sent a huge 16 lbs box yesterday and just paid 4 dollars for it.
Last weekend was crazy! We managed to survive through it! We had fun carnival, visit to cousins in Syracuse, house chores, and helping my sister out. It was so hectic that I felt so worn by Sunday!
On Friday, I took them over to my sister's house and they played with their cousins. I had lots of fun watching Sebastian and Timmy hanging out together. They both are just a month apart. They keep on following each other, imitating each other and playing games with each other. They talked with each other but I don't know what they told each other. Probably holding conversation about how they don't want to go in for naptime. Ha ha. The other older kids enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and swinging. Girls have had their princess tea parties and the boys played Wii games. In between those times, they played with water balloons. For some reason, girls decided that the water balloons are eggs and they keep on moving their hoard over this spot and that spot. Sometimes, on cruel mean streak, boys decide to smash their eggs just to watch girls' reactions. We ended putting some of them in time-out- especially Ian!
On Saturday, I took Ian with me and drove up to Salt Lake City to help my sister with her move. The rent went up so my sister wasn't able to afford living there. She found a two bedrooms apartment and got a roommate. So we all painted the wall of her old apartment that had green paint on, shampooed the carpet and helped with some there and there. I left at noon and came back home to do some chores. At 4:30 p.m., Clint and I took kids to fun carnival and Winger's. Suzy loved ferris wheel the best. We all shared two chairs and were able to go up very high. It was always wonderful every time! Then in the evening, Clint had work he had to do so he went over his work and worked there for three hours. There was a project that had bug in it and he had to get it done before the people in Saudi Arabia get up and start working at their computer. Clint explained to me that people over in Saudi Arabia's weekend is on Friday and Saturday. Their Sabbath is on Saturday. Isn't it so interesting?!
Well, swimming lessons were over by last week. I'm so glad we can sleep in those days. I will have to do visit teaching before this month is up. My companion is making appointments for tomorrow. I better go . . There's projects lying in wait for me to do.
Love you all!
Monday, July 14, 2008
"Love and Hate relationship"
I don't know how I should be giving it that title or not. I just said it because I found myself doing something like crazy then leaving it sitting there cold for weeks and weeks. For an instance - a project like food storage ... The last time I did it was four months ago. Now I am back to the project and working like crazy.
What I did do related to food storage:
1. Cleaned out the basement which took me total of 8 hours. There was mud everywhere due to flood problems in the past. We hosed down the mud, scrubbed the mud off the floor with water and large broom, and sucked them up into wet/dry vac machine. We poured them back into the floor where they all came from. Ha. That's the area that was supposed to be tub and pipe. Clint smashed some of the floor out and put down 3 foot barrel down there and installed a temporary sump pump to pump the water out while we had flooding problems.
2. Went shopping at Costco and Walmart. I purchased some cans, large bags and white buckets. I was meaning to store some wheat into white buckets. In dry good condition, they can last up to thirty years. Isn't it so amazing?! Walmart had hard wheat bags for sale . . . 11 dollars per 25 lbs which is a very good price considering the current state of our market on food. I got heaps of them. Tomorrow, I will be going to Dry Cannery in Lindon that belongs to the Church. I will be sure to ask for more of beans, rice, dehydrated milk. I am running out of dehydrated milk very quickly. I usually like to use them for baking purposes. I have been focusing on getting long pantry life type of food now. Then I can focus on shorter types. I am terrible at rotating them. ha.
3. I already am beginning to transport the food down to the storage space downstairs. I already strained some leg muscles. I was out of breath for a short while but I am feeling better. I will have to put that on hold for today. I already am planning on baking and all today. I have some stuff in my freezer that need using up.
4. I will be getting a humongous nice freezer. I hope to fill it up with freezer jams and such. A friend of mine told me about a place where you can get meat at cheaper price. I definitely am interested!
So that's my plan for food storage so far. I have been at like a crazy lady now! Ha. I am afraid that if I don't get it done, I will NEVER get it done at all!
My other project is making pioneer clothes still. I am working on girls now. I had my friend enlisted in doing that. She is so quick!! Those dresses do look so big but that's only size available. I am working on aprons, bonnets and bloomers. They should be quicker than dresses. My dress took me days to complete.
I love!!! I just started using it as per my brother in law's request. It was appalling so easy and user friendly. ALSO the letters sent to MTC are FREE! I was able to write him many small things during I am at the computer. I hope that he can get those letters on daily basis from Monday to Friday. Clint accused me for doing too much of it. I think he said it because I am making him guilty for not doing it enough. I threw back at him reminding how much missionaries like him love getting letters! Ha.
This week and last week, we are having swimming lessons. It usually takes me about an hour and half. first 1/2 hour to get ready for swimming (lotion, showering, and going to bathroom) then swim for 1/2 hour then lastly 1/2 hour to change clothes and load up in the van. I like doing it in the mornings. It makes less clothes to wash. Kids usually go directly from pajamas to swimsuits. Then after swimsuits, they just have to wear clothes for remainder of the day. There won't be any library activity or park day this week. My friend, Nancy, is going to Disneyland this week so moms don't get together this week for park day. As for library activity . . . Our library is doing an inventory week. There's American Fork Steel Days to enjoy. We will be doing city of carnival fun, picnic day, and probably bbq dinner. I am excited about that. I hope to visit Susan this Friday.
Have a great and fantastic week, my dearest friends and family!
What I did do related to food storage:
1. Cleaned out the basement which took me total of 8 hours. There was mud everywhere due to flood problems in the past. We hosed down the mud, scrubbed the mud off the floor with water and large broom, and sucked them up into wet/dry vac machine. We poured them back into the floor where they all came from. Ha. That's the area that was supposed to be tub and pipe. Clint smashed some of the floor out and put down 3 foot barrel down there and installed a temporary sump pump to pump the water out while we had flooding problems.
2. Went shopping at Costco and Walmart. I purchased some cans, large bags and white buckets. I was meaning to store some wheat into white buckets. In dry good condition, they can last up to thirty years. Isn't it so amazing?! Walmart had hard wheat bags for sale . . . 11 dollars per 25 lbs which is a very good price considering the current state of our market on food. I got heaps of them. Tomorrow, I will be going to Dry Cannery in Lindon that belongs to the Church. I will be sure to ask for more of beans, rice, dehydrated milk. I am running out of dehydrated milk very quickly. I usually like to use them for baking purposes. I have been focusing on getting long pantry life type of food now. Then I can focus on shorter types. I am terrible at rotating them. ha.
3. I already am beginning to transport the food down to the storage space downstairs. I already strained some leg muscles. I was out of breath for a short while but I am feeling better. I will have to put that on hold for today. I already am planning on baking and all today. I have some stuff in my freezer that need using up.
4. I will be getting a humongous nice freezer. I hope to fill it up with freezer jams and such. A friend of mine told me about a place where you can get meat at cheaper price. I definitely am interested!
So that's my plan for food storage so far. I have been at like a crazy lady now! Ha. I am afraid that if I don't get it done, I will NEVER get it done at all!
My other project is making pioneer clothes still. I am working on girls now. I had my friend enlisted in doing that. She is so quick!! Those dresses do look so big but that's only size available. I am working on aprons, bonnets and bloomers. They should be quicker than dresses. My dress took me days to complete.
I love!!! I just started using it as per my brother in law's request. It was appalling so easy and user friendly. ALSO the letters sent to MTC are FREE! I was able to write him many small things during I am at the computer. I hope that he can get those letters on daily basis from Monday to Friday. Clint accused me for doing too much of it. I think he said it because I am making him guilty for not doing it enough. I threw back at him reminding how much missionaries like him love getting letters! Ha.
This week and last week, we are having swimming lessons. It usually takes me about an hour and half. first 1/2 hour to get ready for swimming (lotion, showering, and going to bathroom) then swim for 1/2 hour then lastly 1/2 hour to change clothes and load up in the van. I like doing it in the mornings. It makes less clothes to wash. Kids usually go directly from pajamas to swimsuits. Then after swimsuits, they just have to wear clothes for remainder of the day. There won't be any library activity or park day this week. My friend, Nancy, is going to Disneyland this week so moms don't get together this week for park day. As for library activity . . . Our library is doing an inventory week. There's American Fork Steel Days to enjoy. We will be doing city of carnival fun, picnic day, and probably bbq dinner. I am excited about that. I hope to visit Susan this Friday.
Have a great and fantastic week, my dearest friends and family!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A bit here and there
Some insights I gained lately:
1. How kids get along actually reflects how I deal with them. I usually don't like summer for a reason . . . My children always were bickering over every little thing and needed me to referee every discussions/agreements. Sometimes, I just get tired of it, I just say, "Go away and solve it yourselves".
Insight: I realized that kids keep on bickering because of my bad attitude. Children aren't born automatically knowing how resolve things. I caught myself at it one time and said, "Suzy, you bring Ian here and we will discuss it calmly." After having two kids in room, I asked them, "What is our problem here? We only have one water gun. It won't be fair to other if you keep water gun all of the time." We then discussed the options: 1. Buy other one (which is not possible), 2. take turns with it, 3. put it away for another time ... My children are astonishingly reasonable and offered me some other options which they could agree. You know what? I didn't even hear their complaints for two hours in row! What a nice peaceful hours I had! It was really when it hits me- I need inspiration from God to help my children many times. I believe that I just am harried and busy that I don't listen to the spirit like I should. I need HELP with my children and I NEED to be a bit more positive in disciplining my children.
2. I learned that it is a daily task to remind myself that patience should be in my vocabulary. I always run short of it when I think about my dreams. I think that selfishness usually takes patience away. I should become a bit more selfless and loving. When I do that, it becomes easier to be patient too.
3. There are so many lovely things that I failed to appreciate like shining kitchen floor after cleaning, a delicious ice cream out of Coldstone Creamery, a fun date with my Clint and all. I always am so quick to move onto other things and forget.
I had a perfectly lovely weekend with Clint. I loved being able to try new things like four stars hotel suite, ride on ski lift, hike down a mountain in Park City, and all. Clint and I went out to four star restaurant at night and it was dreadfully expensive! But I told Clint that the dishes we had really are well worth it. The taste is amazing! Clint had filet miginon and I could not believe that a such thing could exist! As a hippie will say, "FAR OUT!"
We had a breakfast in suite. I brought in different fun food to eat and Clint cooked them for me. After that, I am glad we got together. I never got away from my children that long. I am too fond of them that I never wanted to spend my time away from them. We then rode on ski lift for twenty minutes to the end and hiked back for 1 and half hour. It is fun. Clint and I came home being happily dusty, sweaty and dirty. It really is so fun getaway. We liked it the best of all that we celebrated for our anniversaries.
We are back to our routine. Park, library, and gymnastics. I am glad that we managed to have some time in between- for dentist visits, vet for Shadow, and others. I will have to call the doctor office about getting Tetanus shot. I DEFINITELY am not looking forward to that. It always smarts so badly after having one.
I am glad I had time last Sunday to write a long good letter to my grandparents and uncle. They are so old that they don't totally understand what emails and thus can do for them. Ha. I haven't written them ANYTHING and I felt awfully guilty about that!
OH well, my household chores are riding on me now. I have to go now. Hugs to all.
1. How kids get along actually reflects how I deal with them. I usually don't like summer for a reason . . . My children always were bickering over every little thing and needed me to referee every discussions/agreements. Sometimes, I just get tired of it, I just say, "Go away and solve it yourselves".
Insight: I realized that kids keep on bickering because of my bad attitude. Children aren't born automatically knowing how resolve things. I caught myself at it one time and said, "Suzy, you bring Ian here and we will discuss it calmly." After having two kids in room, I asked them, "What is our problem here? We only have one water gun. It won't be fair to other if you keep water gun all of the time." We then discussed the options: 1. Buy other one (which is not possible), 2. take turns with it, 3. put it away for another time ... My children are astonishingly reasonable and offered me some other options which they could agree. You know what? I didn't even hear their complaints for two hours in row! What a nice peaceful hours I had! It was really when it hits me- I need inspiration from God to help my children many times. I believe that I just am harried and busy that I don't listen to the spirit like I should. I need HELP with my children and I NEED to be a bit more positive in disciplining my children.
2. I learned that it is a daily task to remind myself that patience should be in my vocabulary. I always run short of it when I think about my dreams. I think that selfishness usually takes patience away. I should become a bit more selfless and loving. When I do that, it becomes easier to be patient too.
3. There are so many lovely things that I failed to appreciate like shining kitchen floor after cleaning, a delicious ice cream out of Coldstone Creamery, a fun date with my Clint and all. I always am so quick to move onto other things and forget.
I had a perfectly lovely weekend with Clint. I loved being able to try new things like four stars hotel suite, ride on ski lift, hike down a mountain in Park City, and all. Clint and I went out to four star restaurant at night and it was dreadfully expensive! But I told Clint that the dishes we had really are well worth it. The taste is amazing! Clint had filet miginon and I could not believe that a such thing could exist! As a hippie will say, "FAR OUT!"
We had a breakfast in suite. I brought in different fun food to eat and Clint cooked them for me. After that, I am glad we got together. I never got away from my children that long. I am too fond of them that I never wanted to spend my time away from them. We then rode on ski lift for twenty minutes to the end and hiked back for 1 and half hour. It is fun. Clint and I came home being happily dusty, sweaty and dirty. It really is so fun getaway. We liked it the best of all that we celebrated for our anniversaries.
We are back to our routine. Park, library, and gymnastics. I am glad that we managed to have some time in between- for dentist visits, vet for Shadow, and others. I will have to call the doctor office about getting Tetanus shot. I DEFINITELY am not looking forward to that. It always smarts so badly after having one.
I am glad I had time last Sunday to write a long good letter to my grandparents and uncle. They are so old that they don't totally understand what emails and thus can do for them. Ha. I haven't written them ANYTHING and I felt awfully guilty about that!
OH well, my household chores are riding on me now. I have to go now. Hugs to all.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
1,000 reasons to be happy
Reason no. 1- My friend and I are able to resolve our misunderstandings. I am so happy she is willing to believe me and trust me when I explained myself to her. I treasure our friendship so dearly!
Reason no. 2-Ian got baptized two weekends ago.
Reason no. 3-May and June are the best months there are: birthdays, wedding anniversary, mother's day and father's day!!
Reason no. 4-I had visits from Clint's family and got to celebrate occasions with them. How I love them!!
Reason no. 5-June is the coolest month ever and we are able to save bucks on electricity bill.
Reason no. 6-Clint finally is done with framing and is doing electricity part upstairs.
Reason no. 7-Our basement is dry this year . . . Even though that we are having the wettest year there is. It looks like drainpipe that our city installed is working.
Reason no. 8-I am able to find different ways to keep things fun and exciting for kids. We are able to go to the park and hang out with friends, have library, fitness center and all.
Reason no. 9-I am nearly done with the pioneer dress project I set out to do. I hoped it wasn't difficult and it wasn't!
Reason no. 10-Being able to go to the temple two Fridays ago.
I can go on forever and list many good things I have. I just am counting my blessings. God truly always have been there for me and picked me up when I needed Him to. I love it how silent and still voice always come when I listen to guide me.
I loved watching Ian participating in his gynmatics class. That kid never ceases to amaze me! He did a lot of fun stuff that he never did before in the past. If he didn't succeed first, second and third time, he is not afraid to try fourth time. And he did succeed! I am so proud of him. I can't wait to take my kids to the classes this Thursday and watch them having fun all over again! Ian said he prefers that sport over soccer any time. I said that he has to do it one more time this fall before we make the decision for real. Suzy and Annalise are so excited about using the equipments in gynmatics class and I was able to observe for real how significant development milestones can be in children's physical ability.
I am sewing the pioneer dresses for myself and my girls. After that women's project, I will move onto boys'. I will cut out used church shirts collars out and resew. Then I will see if I can make them simple vests. I will be done with my pioneer dress very soon. I just have hemming at the bottom to do plus tucking some parts there and there in. I will be able to take a snapshot of myself in the pioneer dress as soon as I am able to get bloomer and bonnet done. In the case, I am sure you are wondering why I am doing this. There's pioneer trek which my ward is planning for this year. It will be three day long thing between July 31 and Aug 2. After the pioneer trek, Clint and I will be going up to South Dakota to visit my parents.
I'm putting my scrapbooking project on hold due to dresses. Then I will be back to it happily! I really had so much fun playing with photo program and matching them up to theme, pages, etc.
I got Ensign for May's and I am spending nights reading the talks from General Conference. I love them all! One night in particular which I never will forget. Ian heard about Bloody Mary story on playground at the school. One of the boys told Ian that if he said the name three times, Mary will come and kill him. Ian got very scared about it one night. He could not sleep. I got him to lay down in my bed and read with him the topic from General Conference on Personal Witness of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost. The spirit was so strong and its peace was all pervading. Ian calmed down very quickly and was asleep by the end of talk. What a wonderful thing we have. It really calms the storms of soul and brings happiness to our hearts in the troubled times!
Reason no. 2-Ian got baptized two weekends ago.
Reason no. 3-May and June are the best months there are: birthdays, wedding anniversary, mother's day and father's day!!
Reason no. 4-I had visits from Clint's family and got to celebrate occasions with them. How I love them!!
Reason no. 5-June is the coolest month ever and we are able to save bucks on electricity bill.
Reason no. 6-Clint finally is done with framing and is doing electricity part upstairs.
Reason no. 7-Our basement is dry this year . . . Even though that we are having the wettest year there is. It looks like drainpipe that our city installed is working.
Reason no. 8-I am able to find different ways to keep things fun and exciting for kids. We are able to go to the park and hang out with friends, have library, fitness center and all.
Reason no. 9-I am nearly done with the pioneer dress project I set out to do. I hoped it wasn't difficult and it wasn't!
Reason no. 10-Being able to go to the temple two Fridays ago.
I can go on forever and list many good things I have. I just am counting my blessings. God truly always have been there for me and picked me up when I needed Him to. I love it how silent and still voice always come when I listen to guide me.
I loved watching Ian participating in his gynmatics class. That kid never ceases to amaze me! He did a lot of fun stuff that he never did before in the past. If he didn't succeed first, second and third time, he is not afraid to try fourth time. And he did succeed! I am so proud of him. I can't wait to take my kids to the classes this Thursday and watch them having fun all over again! Ian said he prefers that sport over soccer any time. I said that he has to do it one more time this fall before we make the decision for real. Suzy and Annalise are so excited about using the equipments in gynmatics class and I was able to observe for real how significant development milestones can be in children's physical ability.
I am sewing the pioneer dresses for myself and my girls. After that women's project, I will move onto boys'. I will cut out used church shirts collars out and resew. Then I will see if I can make them simple vests. I will be done with my pioneer dress very soon. I just have hemming at the bottom to do plus tucking some parts there and there in. I will be able to take a snapshot of myself in the pioneer dress as soon as I am able to get bloomer and bonnet done. In the case, I am sure you are wondering why I am doing this. There's pioneer trek which my ward is planning for this year. It will be three day long thing between July 31 and Aug 2. After the pioneer trek, Clint and I will be going up to South Dakota to visit my parents.
I'm putting my scrapbooking project on hold due to dresses. Then I will be back to it happily! I really had so much fun playing with photo program and matching them up to theme, pages, etc.
I got Ensign for May's and I am spending nights reading the talks from General Conference. I love them all! One night in particular which I never will forget. Ian heard about Bloody Mary story on playground at the school. One of the boys told Ian that if he said the name three times, Mary will come and kill him. Ian got very scared about it one night. He could not sleep. I got him to lay down in my bed and read with him the topic from General Conference on Personal Witness of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost. The spirit was so strong and its peace was all pervading. Ian calmed down very quickly and was asleep by the end of talk. What a wonderful thing we have. It really calms the storms of soul and brings happiness to our hearts in the troubled times!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Two weeks' worth of news

Wow! Two weeks have passed ever since I last posted the blog. When something like that happens, it has strong tendency of falling down to nothing. I won't let it to happen hopefully!!
Lacey Mae Gibbs finally is here! My sister in law had her on April 28 11 p.m. She is no. four and Gibbs now has four little princesses in their family. She has so much hair and is so adorable. Ian looked at me and asked me when I am having more babies after having held her.
I stopped my exercising routine. My hay fever is ongoing and it is very hard to breathe when mucus keeps on getting into the way. I am enduring it out like many things. The fundraising 5K thing will be next week and I hope I can run 3 miles without running out of breath.
Last weekend, there was a close to my heart warehouse sale. I had to wait 1 1/2 hour to 2 hours in line. It required so much patience! But it is well worth the wait. Every paper packet is one dollar each and many other things are just at price of two dollars, four dollars. I got so many things for low price. Many ladies are so happy with the deal and sent me an email to make comments about it. Close to my Heart does it every two years. So it really is fun doing it once in a while.
My house is so chilly. Outside, it rained a little. I will have to check the basement and make sure that there's no water down there. It has been a wet year in the mountains and water will be certain to flow down and flood in the marshes. Our home is in marshes (formerly).
I can't wait to get started on garden but weeding isn't my favorite thing to do. I sometimes really miss Washington just thinking about that dark peat dirt and easiness of growing things in there. I just can think how hard it was for Adam and Eve having to recall their former days in Eden while they are digging and sweating over the crusty dry dirt like what we are doing right now. I can't wait to plant some beautiful colorful flowers and see if I can add some ground plants. I love ivy and it is growing very well in one of my flower bed.
Last Saturday, we got to get together at Thanksgiving Point Gardens. Nancy Macedone is kind enough to come and use her pass so that we can get in for half price. It really is wonderful! I owe you, Nancy, big time! Any time you need a favor . . . Just give me a call!! Here are some awesome snapshots I took of Thanksgiving gardens.




Timmy's curls RETURNED!! Especially with a bath. I am so thrilled!!
I got to have the fun of visiting my old mission companion (Jordans). They are fantastic family and it really is amazing when we all are calling our family as is. Once did we know each other, we just had ourselves to worry about. We discussed from the change of relationship in marriages to the life in deaf community. It really is amazing to see how much we have grown in understanding. I think we didn't totally understand things when we were age of 21, 18, etc equally as we do right now at age of 32. I just can see how we will understand better twenty years from now. Just imagine this ... as grandma, I can chuckle when I reflect how I struggled and felt baffled as a mother to four children and trying to analyze why things aren't happening perfectly as I wished them to. And be able to smile understandingly when I observe another young mother trying to figure how she can convince her young child how to go to potty.
Christina came down here on Monday while Clint took our kids to Brittany's. Clint was helping Brittany and John to fix their car. Christina needed my help with cleaning the car's interior before she can sell the car to other person. I enjoyed catching up with Christina's life and such.
I'm going to make something for teachers, assistants and principals for teacher's appreciation week. I saw something really cute on Close to My heart magazine so I am going to make dozens of them. It will be so FUN!
Oh well, my kids has reached their awake quota and I will have to put them down for their naps.
Hugs to all! And have a fantastic week.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Taking a break
I pretty much overstretched myself past the limit. I got sick with cold and exhaustion. I am going to rest this week to beat the cold. It is taking me a little longer to recover much to my disappointment. Suzy and Ian are at the school now (much to my relief). They were fighting nonstop over the weekend. I know it is part of the life- learning how to get along. It hardly is good for a peace of mind. You should be seeing those kids tattling on each other, wailing, and wearing my shoulder down to a big dent. Ha. I was sick on Sunday with cold so I did not go to the church. I felt strange missing the church. I love going so much and always feel out of sort all of the week long when I don't go.
Last Saturday, I manage to accomplish some stuff I have been putting off for long time. My car's interior is so clean and my refrigerator is full of food. It is easy to make decisions with meals when your refrigerator is stocked! I also got to cut my men's hair. Chores come on again this week . . . Cleaning the house inside and getting to the garden. I was putting garden off for some time due to Clinton not starting the sprinkler system yet. He hasn't ever since some sprinkle heads broke in the drain pipes installation process.
I am having a new battle with Annalise this week. She all the sudden decided that it is no longer fun going to bathroom and washing her hands. She was wetting her pants regularly everyday. I am soo frustrated with her and Clint helped me out by printing the chart out so I can write stars on it every time she goes to the bathroom. I guess we are back to scratch with her. I wish it was easier. But potty training and my kids never are easy.
Today is a glum-gloomy day. No sun is out and it isn't breezy . . . It is windy! So my kids are staying inside, mostly. I am just am doing errands in betweens and trying to catch up on internet stuff. The information on FLDS raid is so thought-provoking and there are so many issues that went being misaddressed in Texan court. The judge refusing the nursing mothers to remain with their infants really appalled me so badly. I am very attached to my babies especially when they are nursing . . . They are my third arm, emotionally speaking so I am pretty upset at the thought of the nursing mother group being separated from their nursing infants. I think it would be handled better in more family friendly state like Utah, Colorado, or even Vermont. I think if public opinion will state itself in more empathical fashion may help??
I have a little visitor with us right now. She is visiting us while her mother takes her little brother to doctor. She is occupying herself by riding on smart cycle. Ha ha.
Last Saturday, I manage to accomplish some stuff I have been putting off for long time. My car's interior is so clean and my refrigerator is full of food. It is easy to make decisions with meals when your refrigerator is stocked! I also got to cut my men's hair. Chores come on again this week . . . Cleaning the house inside and getting to the garden. I was putting garden off for some time due to Clinton not starting the sprinkler system yet. He hasn't ever since some sprinkle heads broke in the drain pipes installation process.
I am having a new battle with Annalise this week. She all the sudden decided that it is no longer fun going to bathroom and washing her hands. She was wetting her pants regularly everyday. I am soo frustrated with her and Clint helped me out by printing the chart out so I can write stars on it every time she goes to the bathroom. I guess we are back to scratch with her. I wish it was easier. But potty training and my kids never are easy.
Today is a glum-gloomy day. No sun is out and it isn't breezy . . . It is windy! So my kids are staying inside, mostly. I am just am doing errands in betweens and trying to catch up on internet stuff. The information on FLDS raid is so thought-provoking and there are so many issues that went being misaddressed in Texan court. The judge refusing the nursing mothers to remain with their infants really appalled me so badly. I am very attached to my babies especially when they are nursing . . . They are my third arm, emotionally speaking so I am pretty upset at the thought of the nursing mother group being separated from their nursing infants. I think it would be handled better in more family friendly state like Utah, Colorado, or even Vermont. I think if public opinion will state itself in more empathical fashion may help??
I have a little visitor with us right now. She is visiting us while her mother takes her little brother to doctor. She is occupying herself by riding on smart cycle. Ha ha.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Whirlwind ahead
It was fairly peaceable week. I was able to return to my exercising routine and doing 4.5 miles every day. This week, I wasn't able to. Daycare is closed for the week due to spring vacation and my kids keep me busy. Today, I took them out to library to borrow some books and movies. We then went to park and played there for an hour and 15 minutes. We then picked Clint up and we all ate at Winger's for lunch together.
I spent the afternoon doing some projects for Jean Massieu School's PTA fundraising project. My friend came and visited me for two hours. After that, I finished off some of my project and cooked the dinner. The strain of day is wearing on my kids and they become easily irritated. I am going to make sure that they are going to bed early tonite.
Tomorrow, I will be taking them to dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving's Point. About three hours there, I will take kids back and have them to eat lunch at home. Then afterwards, it is naptime. This Wednesday, I am going to help my friend making her quilt. Then on Thursday, I am taking kids up to zoo. On Friday, I am taking kids to my sister's house to play all day long.
That's my plan for the week. I hope to keep my kids so busy that they won't be fighting with each other as much. This weekend, I will do the usual stuff. We are going to have to prepare our yard, garden and flower beds for the spring. Spring is so late this year!
I will be posting some of my scrapbooking works. I love to scrapbook so much. I have been obsessing over it lately. Ha ha. Yesterday, I scrapped and today I scrapped and tomorrow, I will scrap!
I spent the afternoon doing some projects for Jean Massieu School's PTA fundraising project. My friend came and visited me for two hours. After that, I finished off some of my project and cooked the dinner. The strain of day is wearing on my kids and they become easily irritated. I am going to make sure that they are going to bed early tonite.
Tomorrow, I will be taking them to dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving's Point. About three hours there, I will take kids back and have them to eat lunch at home. Then afterwards, it is naptime. This Wednesday, I am going to help my friend making her quilt. Then on Thursday, I am taking kids up to zoo. On Friday, I am taking kids to my sister's house to play all day long.
That's my plan for the week. I hope to keep my kids so busy that they won't be fighting with each other as much. This weekend, I will do the usual stuff. We are going to have to prepare our yard, garden and flower beds for the spring. Spring is so late this year!
I will be posting some of my scrapbooking works. I love to scrapbook so much. I have been obsessing over it lately. Ha ha. Yesterday, I scrapped and today I scrapped and tomorrow, I will scrap!
Monday, April 7, 2008
General conference weekend
Bi-yearly, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which I am member of- holds a world-wide meeting. I LOVE those world-wide meetings. I love being able to listen to those wise men sharing great plan of happiness. My biggest regret is that I didn't have the same opportunity being able to listen to those men since that demands of my children and household sometimes just overwhelm me. On Sunday, I was able to cook meals, make four pages of scrapbook for Timmy, take care of my kids and keep my house in spin and spac order. I am grateful for the time I got with my family!
I was able make many things that pleased my family. Oatmeal cookies, Chicken Divan, marinated steak/shrimps, twice baked chicken, waffles, blueberry pancakes, crackers/dip, popcorns, sliced apples. My kids did make some scene when they saw Chicken Divan. They never saw it before. I haven't made it for long time since that the recipe required me to use cream of chicken soup. I could not use it due to fats percentage. Now that I discovered lower fat type, I was able to return to making it. My husband missed it a great deal. So I just made it on occasion to make him happy.
I also used some of my time doing "Course trainings" for new consultants. I loved their course on accessories. I was able to learn how to utilize their accessories more effectively. I love being able to decorate the page and give it my personal touch. So far, I am not doing so much related to the business. I am firmly determined that my friendships come before business. So I am just doing it to share the interest with my friends and avoid being pushy. I just wanted to make it more fun and enjoyable for us all.
It snowed once again this morning. Snowflakes were about 1 inch thick and won't melt once when they hit our hair. Timmy and Annalise were so fascinated!! I returned to my exercising routine. I haven't exercised for a while due to sickness that kept on going around for a month and half. I have motivation for exercising now that I wanted to participate in the fund raising event for deaf children . . . Run 5K! After exercising, I went down to Orem to go to Michael's craft store. I heard there was a HUGE sale. And sure enough, there is!! I was able to take 60 percent off custom-made framing order, got some discounts on craft products. I love getting good deals!!!
I was able make many things that pleased my family. Oatmeal cookies, Chicken Divan, marinated steak/shrimps, twice baked chicken, waffles, blueberry pancakes, crackers/dip, popcorns, sliced apples. My kids did make some scene when they saw Chicken Divan. They never saw it before. I haven't made it for long time since that the recipe required me to use cream of chicken soup. I could not use it due to fats percentage. Now that I discovered lower fat type, I was able to return to making it. My husband missed it a great deal. So I just made it on occasion to make him happy.
I also used some of my time doing "Course trainings" for new consultants. I loved their course on accessories. I was able to learn how to utilize their accessories more effectively. I love being able to decorate the page and give it my personal touch. So far, I am not doing so much related to the business. I am firmly determined that my friendships come before business. So I am just doing it to share the interest with my friends and avoid being pushy. I just wanted to make it more fun and enjoyable for us all.
It snowed once again this morning. Snowflakes were about 1 inch thick and won't melt once when they hit our hair. Timmy and Annalise were so fascinated!! I returned to my exercising routine. I haven't exercised for a while due to sickness that kept on going around for a month and half. I have motivation for exercising now that I wanted to participate in the fund raising event for deaf children . . . Run 5K! After exercising, I went down to Orem to go to Michael's craft store. I heard there was a HUGE sale. And sure enough, there is!! I was able to take 60 percent off custom-made framing order, got some discounts on craft products. I love getting good deals!!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Snowy weekend
Susan reminded me how it WILL snow in March even though that we just celebrated the first spring day. She has lived here for three years and it came without fail. I forgot all about it after living in Utah for nearly ten years. Years just were flying and so many things have happened. I just lost sight of simple things that come from living in Utah in particular. It will be melting in a blink of eye and sun will come out finally.
Yesterday (Saturday) was wonderful. Actually, it was hectic but I am so glad we made it through. I was asked to make a dinner for a family who had their newborn in the hospital, have a brother in law who is going to open his mission call letter at 2 p.m., a birthday party for three people in family and having some food to bring to this party. I was on my feet most of the day trying to get so many things done. Our kids felt the excitement and played along. I am sorry to say that Annalise was getting too soaked in that. She got so cranky that she bit, push, hit Suzy at the store. That girl! I was thinking at everyone, "Trust me, Annalise is not like that monster with me right now." Annalise is really the sweetest little girl and I adored her when she was a baby. She really is a cuddly-wuddly. I just wanted to call her "Cuddles".
Clint's brother opened his mission call and celebrated his nineteen birthday yesterday . . . as I said up above. He is called to Germany Frankfurt mission . . . It came as a surprise to everyone. I know it would delight Clint's grandma whose parents were born there. I told Clint's mom that it is so neat to think how he will speak German fluently when he is back home. I felt sad that he had to go away so far . . . But it is a "good thing" as Clint's mom said. He will be entering MTC May 28 . . . Thus missing Ian's baptism. I still am so glad for his sake. He is doing something very important for the Lord.
My sister, Christina, is going to graduate this spring (I THINK). I have been a little behind in news with her. It was nice having her and her boyfriend visiting us occasionally on the weekends while she was making a film on "Blue Box" as its actress. I must admit that after watching trailer that it is very hard for me to be objective. I mean, it is my sister in there! Here's the link for you guys to watch . . .
If you guys don't know . . . There suddenly is loads of filmmakers in deaf community up and around making many films based on deaf culture and viewpoints. Like Bobby Giles on VPMan. I haven't seen that. But I know there are some reactions in Deaf Community in Utah. I can just say that it is lots of fun! Hee hee.
Well, back to my sister, Christina . . . She is a student at University of Utah now and majoring in theatre arts and film something. I am proud that she is working so hard and doing well in the school. I remember how it was rough for her in the beginning but she pulled it through and managed it. I just wish sometimes that she is not so busy that we can see her a bit more often. But I think it is the way things always will be until we all die and go to the Heaven.
Susan and I keep in touch fairly often. She is dancing with joy right now because two of her kids just got accepted into Syracuse Art Academy and we are very curious about how it will turn out. Susan and Gabe are just doing great. Susan is looking forward to Gabe graduating with bachelor degree this May. Gabe also just got done with making a new bedroom for the boys down in basement. Every time when I see him, he is always up to something . . . Doing homework, doing a home project, and all. That guy is so busy! I truly am looking forward to him being able to just loaf around and spend time with his kids.
Yesterday (Saturday) was wonderful. Actually, it was hectic but I am so glad we made it through. I was asked to make a dinner for a family who had their newborn in the hospital, have a brother in law who is going to open his mission call letter at 2 p.m., a birthday party for three people in family and having some food to bring to this party. I was on my feet most of the day trying to get so many things done. Our kids felt the excitement and played along. I am sorry to say that Annalise was getting too soaked in that. She got so cranky that she bit, push, hit Suzy at the store. That girl! I was thinking at everyone, "Trust me, Annalise is not like that monster with me right now." Annalise is really the sweetest little girl and I adored her when she was a baby. She really is a cuddly-wuddly. I just wanted to call her "Cuddles".
Clint's brother opened his mission call and celebrated his nineteen birthday yesterday . . . as I said up above. He is called to Germany Frankfurt mission . . . It came as a surprise to everyone. I know it would delight Clint's grandma whose parents were born there. I told Clint's mom that it is so neat to think how he will speak German fluently when he is back home. I felt sad that he had to go away so far . . . But it is a "good thing" as Clint's mom said. He will be entering MTC May 28 . . . Thus missing Ian's baptism. I still am so glad for his sake. He is doing something very important for the Lord.
My sister, Christina, is going to graduate this spring (I THINK). I have been a little behind in news with her. It was nice having her and her boyfriend visiting us occasionally on the weekends while she was making a film on "Blue Box" as its actress. I must admit that after watching trailer that it is very hard for me to be objective. I mean, it is my sister in there! Here's the link for you guys to watch . . .
If you guys don't know . . . There suddenly is loads of filmmakers in deaf community up and around making many films based on deaf culture and viewpoints. Like Bobby Giles on VPMan. I haven't seen that. But I know there are some reactions in Deaf Community in Utah. I can just say that it is lots of fun! Hee hee.
Well, back to my sister, Christina . . . She is a student at University of Utah now and majoring in theatre arts and film something. I am proud that she is working so hard and doing well in the school. I remember how it was rough for her in the beginning but she pulled it through and managed it. I just wish sometimes that she is not so busy that we can see her a bit more often. But I think it is the way things always will be until we all die and go to the Heaven.
Susan and I keep in touch fairly often. She is dancing with joy right now because two of her kids just got accepted into Syracuse Art Academy and we are very curious about how it will turn out. Susan and Gabe are just doing great. Susan is looking forward to Gabe graduating with bachelor degree this May. Gabe also just got done with making a new bedroom for the boys down in basement. Every time when I see him, he is always up to something . . . Doing homework, doing a home project, and all. That guy is so busy! I truly am looking forward to him being able to just loaf around and spend time with his kids.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter weekend
We had a wonderful time celebrating easter last weekend. My kids had fun going on egg hunting with Trinity, Emma, and Anne Marie. I thought the story of 8-10 yrs old kids going off before the sound of horn was particularly funny. Not to mention how 6 to 7 years old kids saw them going and went themselves!
Timmy is so in love with playgrounds now. He gets excited at sight of slides now.
I have been struggling with miragrine headaches past week now . . . I have been feeling woozy and having regular headaches everyday. I always feel so exhausted by the end of day. Clint has been wonderful, helping out with kids during bedtimes. I have to drink more water since that I wasn't taking good care of myself two weeks ago. I think it was what brought headaches on. I still am glad I was able to manage some things like making some dinner, keeping the house clean, and fulfill my calling in nursery.
We had a lot of fun in nursery. All of kids came in being nicely dressed. A lot of girls are dressed in long flowing pink dresses with beautiful hair. I enjoyed most of that. I spent a lot of time having to help the nursery leader to clean up the closet. Somebody got into there during the week, ate all of the little kids' snacks, scrawled crayons onto the doors, and mixed the toys all over into stake's closet. Our dear nursery leader was furious but there aren't so much we can do about it since that closet's lock is broken. She is trying to find the special kind of lock where you won't need keys and has long locking part. I was glad I decided to make some snacks for kids the night before, though. Ha.
After the church, we drove up to Syracuse and visited Susan and her family. My other sister brought her boyfriend to celebrate the easter with us. We had lamb and barley, fish, flat bread, haroset, and others. It was fun. Our kids had a blast with their cousins. Unfortunately, they were so overstimulated with no naps in pocket . . . Clint and I had our hands full with them. Ha ha. They were hard asleep when we got home and dressed them up in pajamas.
I am so glad it is turning into spring too. I love it how the days become longer. I love it how the green things are beginning to bloom. I am looking forward to picnics with families, summer BBQ, July 4th and all of the fun.
The City is done with installing the drain. We are waiting to see if it would help our basement to stay dry this year, It should be known for real by this April. I am wringing my hands in anxiety!!!
Clint is working on upstairs still. He is done with rooms. Now, he is working on hallway and fire blocks. He will be going to the store to get more wood today.
I got a week long to do my stuff. Along with usual chores and all. I hope that you guys will have a wonderful week too!
Timmy is so in love with playgrounds now. He gets excited at sight of slides now.
I have been struggling with miragrine headaches past week now . . . I have been feeling woozy and having regular headaches everyday. I always feel so exhausted by the end of day. Clint has been wonderful, helping out with kids during bedtimes. I have to drink more water since that I wasn't taking good care of myself two weeks ago. I think it was what brought headaches on. I still am glad I was able to manage some things like making some dinner, keeping the house clean, and fulfill my calling in nursery.
We had a lot of fun in nursery. All of kids came in being nicely dressed. A lot of girls are dressed in long flowing pink dresses with beautiful hair. I enjoyed most of that. I spent a lot of time having to help the nursery leader to clean up the closet. Somebody got into there during the week, ate all of the little kids' snacks, scrawled crayons onto the doors, and mixed the toys all over into stake's closet. Our dear nursery leader was furious but there aren't so much we can do about it since that closet's lock is broken. She is trying to find the special kind of lock where you won't need keys and has long locking part. I was glad I decided to make some snacks for kids the night before, though. Ha.
After the church, we drove up to Syracuse and visited Susan and her family. My other sister brought her boyfriend to celebrate the easter with us. We had lamb and barley, fish, flat bread, haroset, and others. It was fun. Our kids had a blast with their cousins. Unfortunately, they were so overstimulated with no naps in pocket . . . Clint and I had our hands full with them. Ha ha. They were hard asleep when we got home and dressed them up in pajamas.
I am so glad it is turning into spring too. I love it how the days become longer. I love it how the green things are beginning to bloom. I am looking forward to picnics with families, summer BBQ, July 4th and all of the fun.
The City is done with installing the drain. We are waiting to see if it would help our basement to stay dry this year, It should be known for real by this April. I am wringing my hands in anxiety!!!
Clint is working on upstairs still. He is done with rooms. Now, he is working on hallway and fire blocks. He will be going to the store to get more wood today.
I got a week long to do my stuff. Along with usual chores and all. I hope that you guys will have a wonderful week too!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The ramble
Da da da. Yeah, yeah. I sometimes think that my days are a bit boring but to others, I guess aren't. I have been spending my time trying to think up something different for dinner. I hate trying to figure what we are going to eat for dinner. But Clint never complains. When I cook, I usually make something really good. Ha. I guess I am going to make lasagna dinner tonite. I will need to see how I can make girls' dish differently because of their milk allergies. Soy cheese never went well with lasagna.
I have been keeping up with my goal: making two pages to add to my children's scrapbook pages everyday. So far, I am working on Timothy's. I enjoyed having some helps in layout ideas. I usually am less creative when I am tired and I always am tired half of the time. I have about two whole boxes to work through so I got my job all cut out for me.
Do you guys know anything about limited edition print of art work? I just purchased a print titled "Sacred Grove", signed in gold by Greg Olsen. Right now, there's a small dent/puncture on it which I would like to be repaired. My friend who works for framing shop told me that it is part of the standard for a licensed professional to call for new print and tear the old one up based on serial number. I wonder if they would do that?
Timothy really is a sweetheart. He is extra cuddly and wants attention from his mom. I usually spent most of my time cuddling up with him. It is fun to see how he talks more now. He is beginning to string two to three words together.
I haven't been shopping so much lately. I really hate going shopping for one and only ONE reason. My kids love playing hide and seek on me. I just have total meltdown when I find out that one of my kids are missing. I really want to shop more for food storage stuff. My family still is about less than 3/4 way from a year worth that we need. I really like shopping at Macey's. They have all of the stuff I need. My major problem right now is where to put our food storage. We were planning to put them in the basement but due to regular water problem that come every summer, I had to put them into garage for temporary purposes until we are able to completely solve that problem. Oh well. I prayed about it and the answer came that it will be solved.
Tomorrow is the closing date for CTMH thing. I guess it will just take me less than an hour to do the procedure. I think I have to do it individual orders since that I don't get enough orders to make it an official gathering. I, at least, am still at consultant status anyhow.
I have been keeping up with my goal: making two pages to add to my children's scrapbook pages everyday. So far, I am working on Timothy's. I enjoyed having some helps in layout ideas. I usually am less creative when I am tired and I always am tired half of the time. I have about two whole boxes to work through so I got my job all cut out for me.
Do you guys know anything about limited edition print of art work? I just purchased a print titled "Sacred Grove", signed in gold by Greg Olsen. Right now, there's a small dent/puncture on it which I would like to be repaired. My friend who works for framing shop told me that it is part of the standard for a licensed professional to call for new print and tear the old one up based on serial number. I wonder if they would do that?
Timothy really is a sweetheart. He is extra cuddly and wants attention from his mom. I usually spent most of my time cuddling up with him. It is fun to see how he talks more now. He is beginning to string two to three words together.
I haven't been shopping so much lately. I really hate going shopping for one and only ONE reason. My kids love playing hide and seek on me. I just have total meltdown when I find out that one of my kids are missing. I really want to shop more for food storage stuff. My family still is about less than 3/4 way from a year worth that we need. I really like shopping at Macey's. They have all of the stuff I need. My major problem right now is where to put our food storage. We were planning to put them in the basement but due to regular water problem that come every summer, I had to put them into garage for temporary purposes until we are able to completely solve that problem. Oh well. I prayed about it and the answer came that it will be solved.
Tomorrow is the closing date for CTMH thing. I guess it will just take me less than an hour to do the procedure. I think I have to do it individual orders since that I don't get enough orders to make it an official gathering. I, at least, am still at consultant status anyhow.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My first Open House as a consultant
I made a such scary step in my commitment toward doing some stuff related to Close to My Heart company. I have been purchasing its products and loved them so much. I just decided to become a consultant. Today was my first open house and I will hold workshops in future. Whew!
I had so much fun with my kind friends who just made time to come out. We all made bookmarks. My sister even drove out from Syracuse to make this event special for me. I wish more could make it. I know they would love it too.
I asked some people about workshops. They expressed interest. I guess I can hold some card making/scrapbooking workshops.
I committed to it for up to a year to see how I can do it without affecting my family and my other responsibilities. If I see how it works out with me then I will keep on doing it.
I had so much fun with my kind friends who just made time to come out. We all made bookmarks. My sister even drove out from Syracuse to make this event special for me. I wish more could make it. I know they would love it too.
I asked some people about workshops. They expressed interest. I guess I can hold some card making/scrapbooking workshops.
I committed to it for up to a year to see how I can do it without affecting my family and my other responsibilities. If I see how it works out with me then I will keep on doing it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am so sick of being sick
Three weeks in the row would I find one of our kids being sick! Two weeks ago, it was flu. A week ago, it was strep throat which EVERYONE in the family got. Today, Timmy has fever of 101.4 and Suzy is throwing up. She began throwing up on her blanket and she had to walk to our bed and threw up on it. Ha. I told her mildly, "Do you know that you can go to toilet and throw up in it?" She wailed, "I cannot." I guess she could not with the sleepy confusion and darkness. We got up 5:30 a.m. to clean the mess up and Clint just started working ever since that time. I went back to sleep. Clint woke me up at 8:30 a.m. telling me that he is going to the work. Bless his heart, I found the kids all fed and dressed. Ian's lunch was packed. It is very nice of my husband to take care of that!
Suzy still is sick this morning. But she was able to eat toast and drink juice. That girl needs something in her. She is terribly so pale. I guess I am going to focus my day totally on taking care of kids and doing a bit of scrapbooking. I also am washing the laundry due to the mess made this early morning.
I hope so much that this sickness won't last this time around and that we won't get sick ever again.
Suzy still is sick this morning. But she was able to eat toast and drink juice. That girl needs something in her. She is terribly so pale. I guess I am going to focus my day totally on taking care of kids and doing a bit of scrapbooking. I also am washing the laundry due to the mess made this early morning.
I hope so much that this sickness won't last this time around and that we won't get sick ever again.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Daylight's Saving Time Mishap
Yes, it is a mishap. I didn't know when it began until when I set my eyes on the time of my computer. At first, I was baffled with the difference of time on the computer and the time on our oven. It was when it hit me- Daylight's Saving Time! I exclaimed that to Clint who was standing in the kitchen. But it was too late. We were just ten minutes from church's starting hour. It takes fifteen minutes to drive down to Utah Valley Deaf Ward and even longer just to drag our kids out of their beds, get them dressed, fed, and all. Our kids were so cranky. I have no idea!! I made sure that they went to bed early the previous night. Well, what a fix we were in! We were at the church at 10 a.m. and Annalise had her first talk in the primary. She was so cute! She went as "When I do something wrong, I feel sad. I feel sorry, pray and ask Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father to forgive me. Jesus Christ makes me clean and helps me to go back to Heaven and live with Him again." I made some pictures for Suzy to hold while Annalise speaks to the primary. She was so adorable! Ian still was surly so I took him into nursery with me. He made everyone to laugh when he answered questions while the teacher was more used to more silent audience. He helped me cleaning the toys up, giving children snacks and all. He was munching on the food happily, I will daresay.
Back to Annalise's talk . . . . Annalise acted naughtily by sneaking into my scrapbooking stuff and took out ink pen and drew on all stairs in the hall. I scolded her and she drew her lower lip out and say, "I feel sad. I feel sorry." echoing her talk just making me to laugh.
Annalise is every inch of three years old, I will say. But she is adorable all the same. From the day one until now, I love cuddling with her and playing with her. She is a such good natured child!
I felt a great deal of relief when I sent my kids off the school today. It is nice having them home and all but sometimes it is a bit wearisome having to discipline them constantly. Ian is a such restless little boy in many regards. But he already is making a good explorer. He spent a lot of times in garden last year just to find bugs in there. Timmy already is following in his footsteps. For an instance, when I was walking out of a buffet restaurant, Timmy pulled fire alarm switch. It took me back to the time when Ian pulled one when he was three years old, thus interrupting the sacrament meeting of another ward and everyone had to walk out of the church building and wait for it to stop. Talk about your embarrassing moments. MY boys are very good at embarrassing me! Ha.
Back to Annalise's talk . . . . Annalise acted naughtily by sneaking into my scrapbooking stuff and took out ink pen and drew on all stairs in the hall. I scolded her and she drew her lower lip out and say, "I feel sad. I feel sorry." echoing her talk just making me to laugh.
Annalise is every inch of three years old, I will say. But she is adorable all the same. From the day one until now, I love cuddling with her and playing with her. She is a such good natured child!
I felt a great deal of relief when I sent my kids off the school today. It is nice having them home and all but sometimes it is a bit wearisome having to discipline them constantly. Ian is a such restless little boy in many regards. But he already is making a good explorer. He spent a lot of times in garden last year just to find bugs in there. Timmy already is following in his footsteps. For an instance, when I was walking out of a buffet restaurant, Timmy pulled fire alarm switch. It took me back to the time when Ian pulled one when he was three years old, thus interrupting the sacrament meeting of another ward and everyone had to walk out of the church building and wait for it to stop. Talk about your embarrassing moments. MY boys are very good at embarrassing me! Ha.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Cutting Timmy's curls
Timmy had the most adorable collection of CURLS! I LOVE every strand of them. I felt so sad when it was time for me to cut them. They were beginning to droop and Timmy was beginning to make everyone to think he is a girl instead of a boy. In the bath, his hair went past his shoulder! Ohhh . . .
Two weeks, I clipped them away. I don't know which is more tragic . . . Cutting his curls or realizing that he is growing up too fast.
Two weeks, I clipped them away. I don't know which is more tragic . . . Cutting his curls or realizing that he is growing up too fast.
Done with CERT Class!
Last Wednesday, I was able to complete the last course of CERT. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team. All firemen have been training people everywhere to prepare them to come in the assistance in the case of massive disaster that goes beyond the ability and resources of our professionals.
I must confess that it is very difficult for me to come to the class every time I take a course. Sometimes, knowledge can be a bit frightening. I had to endure some gruesome piece of information and learn how to manage with that. There are just some nights where I can't simply sleep or go back to sleep because of the bad dream that come from what I heard in CERT class or just knowing too much that leads me to feel stressed easily. I figured that I HAD to know how to manage it than to know nothing- which is the worst thing I can do if anything terrible happens.
The last course was the worst of them all. We had to do a stimulated disaster and show to firemen how we can do it and get some counsel. Firemen told us that there's no pass and fail in this course. We just need to wing it like we do in the real life. When I saw the stimulated scene, I told an interpreter dryly that we will profit more out of it by selling tickets so people can get scared like they do in the haunted houses.
I woke up in the middle of night because I had a dream where I was called to assist an injured victim, I was standing hip deep water and I was scrambling for anything that can help me with victim. I felt awfully helpless in the dream so I woke up with my heart beating so hard. I wondered about that . . . I didn't see anything gruesome in the dream but I believe that I am the most scared of feeling helpless and having no idea of what I should be doing.
I am so glad it is all over. I still am glad that I took the class. Because of the class, I feel a bit more prepared not only with knowledge. I was able to identify exactly what my family needed . . . fire extinguisher, first aid, and all AND BE able to use them all. I am glad I can add some stuff to our storage and help with family emergency preparation.
I must confess that it is very difficult for me to come to the class every time I take a course. Sometimes, knowledge can be a bit frightening. I had to endure some gruesome piece of information and learn how to manage with that. There are just some nights where I can't simply sleep or go back to sleep because of the bad dream that come from what I heard in CERT class or just knowing too much that leads me to feel stressed easily. I figured that I HAD to know how to manage it than to know nothing- which is the worst thing I can do if anything terrible happens.
The last course was the worst of them all. We had to do a stimulated disaster and show to firemen how we can do it and get some counsel. Firemen told us that there's no pass and fail in this course. We just need to wing it like we do in the real life. When I saw the stimulated scene, I told an interpreter dryly that we will profit more out of it by selling tickets so people can get scared like they do in the haunted houses.
I woke up in the middle of night because I had a dream where I was called to assist an injured victim, I was standing hip deep water and I was scrambling for anything that can help me with victim. I felt awfully helpless in the dream so I woke up with my heart beating so hard. I wondered about that . . . I didn't see anything gruesome in the dream but I believe that I am the most scared of feeling helpless and having no idea of what I should be doing.
I am so glad it is all over. I still am glad that I took the class. Because of the class, I feel a bit more prepared not only with knowledge. I was able to identify exactly what my family needed . . . fire extinguisher, first aid, and all AND BE able to use them all. I am glad I can add some stuff to our storage and help with family emergency preparation.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The quickest and surest way to keep everyone appraised
I came to realization: DUH ME! I have been doing everything hard way!!!
I have made several repeated replies through emails to everyone. I could have made a blog and made it available for everyone to read on what is going on in my life. I have confessed many times how bad I am with emails. But I hope so much that it won't be same with my blog.
I have made several repeated replies through emails to everyone. I could have made a blog and made it available for everyone to read on what is going on in my life. I have confessed many times how bad I am with emails. But I hope so much that it won't be same with my blog.
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